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January 28, 2004
If it's your cup of tea 
Do Bookworms Dream of Electric Freedom? YES!!

Ith of Absinthe and Cookies has come up with a BRILLIANT idea : form an email list specifically for those of NON-leftist persuasion to discuss their favorite novel without the fear of a sneering and snotty accusation of racism/capitalism/westernism/whathaveyou simply because you think the characters show the ideal conservative/libertarian value. A Little Right Reading is designed for your involvement as a booklover with decidedly non-leftist points of view.

America-bashing is not allowed, and any claims to be 'fair and balanced' by those who would otherwise call Western Civilization the Worst Thing to Ever Happen To Us will be automatically cut away like a broken mizzen in a bad storm...only we won't feel as bad as Aubrey about it.

Since this blogger doesn't know me from Adam, I'll be nice.

We see more a sneering and snotty denials of racism/capitalism/westernism/whathaveyou simply because the characters show the ideal conservative/libertarian value than the other way around. In fact, we see accusations of sneering snottiness whenever any mention at all of racism/capitalism/westernism/whathaveyou pops up.

It's sad that this kind of echo chamber is even desirable, but hey.

And a tip of the hat to Dean's World

Posted by P6 at January 28, 2004 10:07 AM
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In fact, we see accusations of sneering snottiness whenever any mention at all of racism/capitalism/westernism/whathaveyou pops up.

And hence my claim that I am disenfranchised on the issue of race.

Posted by Phelps at January 28, 2004 12:33 PM 

Pray, elucidate.

Posted by P6 at January 28, 2004 01:32 PM 

And since this blogger doesnt know ME from Adam, I'll be straightforward and explain : just because I happen to think that America is the best damn country on the face of the earth does not mean I am a racist/homophobe/bigot...which is what the Left ALWAYS...and I DO MEAN ALWAYS...calls those of us who think capitalism/heavily limited government/Western principles and morals and values are what brought the freedoms that the Left claims to uphold.

You can be "nice" all you want dearie...just remember, sometimes the Truth hurts...if you can't take the heat of being in a conservative forum, then don't come there.

Posted by Sharon at January 30, 2004 11:01 PM 

You can be "nice" all you want dearie...just remember, sometimes the Truth hurts...if you can't take the heat of being in a conservative forum, then don't come there.

I actually grew up in one. Every family reunion is a "conservative" forum. And I have to confess: back when I held far-right ideology, my ideology was rather comforting, like a baked potato stuffed with garlic and sour cream. The Truth that hurt was the recognition that my society was falling short of its own principles, and I was resposnible for setting it right.

I mean, if you want to know someone who put it far better than I ever could, please read Hamlet.

Posted by James R MacLean at January 31, 2004 09:53 PM 

[...]just because I happen to think that America is the best damn country on the face of the earth does not mean I am a racist/homophobe/bigot...which is what the Left ALWAYS...and I DO MEAN ALWAYS...calls those of us who think capitalism/heavily limited government/Western principles and morals and values are what brought the freedoms that the Left claims to uphold.

This presupposes that the Left is somehow cohesive and simply connected. E.g., my father thinks Howard Dean, for example, is a specimen of the "left." Naturally, I disagree. I think that HD & I are actually being faithful to the ideals of a market economy (through accountability, competition, and free trade), of limited government (by prudentially anticipating future crises and palliating them before they require major government intervention) and Western principles (as, for example, liberty, no guilt by association, equality of opportunity, and comity amongst Western nations).

Say, Sharon, if you're interested in limited government (I know I am), you are suyrely aware that the single greatest threat to limited gov't (and western values, BTW) is militarism and social regimentation. Let's both work to resist that, please? And do homage, every now and then, to excellent Western traditions, like Voltaire, J.A. Hobson, E.F. Schumacher, Mary Wollstonecraft, P.B. Shelley,... (P6, he wrote Prometheus Unbound).

Posted by James R MacLean at January 31, 2004 10:06 PM 
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