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January 31, 2004
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This is one of those comments that's a post only because I want to ping someone.

In response to my somewhat uncomplimentary reaction to the idea a right-wing oriented fiction reading circle, Sharon says:

And since this blogger doesnt know ME from Adam, I'll be straightforward and explain : just because I happen to think that America is the best damn country on the face of the earth does not mean I am a racist/homophobe/bigot...which is what the Left ALWAYS...and I DO MEAN ALWAYS...calls those of us who think capitalism/heavily limited government/Western principles and morals and values are what brought the freedoms that the Left claims to uphold.

You can be "nice" all you want dearie...just remember, sometimes the Truth hurts...if you can't take the heat of being in a conservative forum, then don't come there.

Okay, the attitude is understandable. I got no beef there. I'm just wondering who you've been talking to, and about what Sharon. The fact is capitalism and heavily limited government aren't concepts wherein the idea of race can really arise. Western principles and morals and values can bring up the issue when one wants to accuse someone of not living up to them. The principles and values themselves, though are pretty universal. I'd really like to know more about how this comes up.

That said, fiction written to make a political or philosophical point rather than simply to tell a good story tend to suck the big one. I believe the last author to succeed at commentary and art simultaneously was Plato.

You got a plot? Strong characterization, dialog that sounds like homo sapiens rather than homo fictus? You got some drama and suspense? You got my interest. A couple of explosions and naked women would be good…

But no, I wouldn't join a Conservative reading circle any more than I'd join a Mathematics reading circle. Or a Liberal one.

Posted by P6 at January 31, 2004 12:56 AM
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I believe the last author to succeed at commentary and art simultaneously was Plato.

Ooooh, harsh. You don't give nearly enough credit to the likes of Kurt Vonnegut or Walter Mosley, just to name two very good writers whose works are laden with social commentary. I'm sure there are others.

Still you're point is taken. As I heard someone say once, if I wanted a message, I'd get an answering machine.

Posted by Raznor at February 1, 2004 06:05 AM 
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