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January 18, 2004
While they have everyone's attention 

Each of the candidates in Iowa should do a State of the Union address before the caucus. They should detail the issues that Americans are concerned with and state straightforwardly that any speech that does not address those issues is not reporting on the state of the Union.

Posted by P6 at January 18, 2004 01:46 PM
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Actually, I believe that at least several of the candidates have some type of speech planned for the 20th while they're in New Hampshire. For instance, Kucinich is scheduled to be giving a "state of the nation" address several times throughout the day in various places in NH. However, it appears that Clark will merely be responding to the SOTU and not giving his own speech ahead of time.

Posted by Al-Muhajabah at January 19, 2004 05:24 AM 

I'd diss Clark's decision if I myself had thought of this earlier. The SOTU address was timed to draw attention away from the Democratic candidates, and the SOTU will be used in an attempt to shape debate. It would be a good thing to create the environment in which the SOTU will be judged instead of letting the SOTU set the tone.

Posted by P6 at January 19, 2004 10:37 AM 

I think it would be a bad decision to do that. They will get locked into the things that they say. Bush has no need to position for a primary. The Dems have to veer hard left to win the primary, and then try to come back to the center for the election.

If they make a speech from the center, they hurt themselves in the primary. If they veer hard left, then they may deal themselves a mortal wound for November. They are better off laying low after it comes and accepting that Bush has the upper hand on that one.

Posted by Phelps at January 19, 2004 11:50 AM 

I disagree, of course. An accurate description of the concerns most Americans have isn't a left or right issue.

Posted by P6 at January 19, 2004 12:11 PM 

"Most Americans" will not be the ones voting in the primaries. I'm not talking from a principled stance; I'm talking from a straight nuts-and-bolts political analysis. Numbers-wise, they are wiser to just wait. Principled candidates don't tend to win elections. (I'm a libertarian, remember? We have lots of object lessons, if you would like to see some. You can pick pretty much any LP candidate. We know how to lose an election.)

Posted by Phelps at January 19, 2004 02:04 PM 
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