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January 18, 2004
White flight 

Hat tip to Hesiod at Counterspin Central
West Liberty Superintendent proposes desegregation limits on open enrollment to stave off effects of exiting white students

By Mindy Moore Muscatine Journal Correspondent
WEST LIBERTY, Iowa - West Liberty School District Superintendent Rebecca Rodocker wants the School Board to approve a desegregation policy she hopes will keep white students from leaving the District through the open enrollment option.

Rodocker plans to make her case at the regular School Board meeting at 6:30 p.m. Monday in the administrative office on Elm Street. "We already know how much money we're losing to open enrollment out," Rodocker said.

"They (the Board) want to know the cost so they can make a decision as to whether to proceed. My belief is the initial expense of both my time and the community's time and for attorneys will be well spent if we can stop students from leaving."

The desegregation plan may include an open enrollment component designed to maintain a ratio between minority and non-minority students to ensure that the District's student population accurately reflects that of the community's.

Today, 84 students who live in the West Liberty school district have exercised their right to open enroll out to other schools; 79 of those are white. A year ago, 67 students were open enrolled out; five years ago, 65.

Students choosing to leave the District take with them $4,600 each in state financial aid - that comes out to $386,400 that the district has lost to open enrollment this year.

"Losing almost $400,000 definitely has an impact on the programs we can offer and the staff we that we offer," Rodocker said.

The original premise of the open enrollment law was to allow choice if a school was not offering what a parent or student needed, Rodocker said, but things have changed.

"In the olden days, we would have had an opportunity to sit down with a student and his parents and address any of the concerns or needs they had. The new open enrollment law has no restrictions, so I can leave the district and take the property taxes and state aid for any reason at any time."

The minority population (primarily Hispanic) of West Liberty's school district is 45.6 percent. This compares to 43.5 percent a year ago and 37.8 percent five years ago. "My belief is that a large portion of our open enrolled out is due to our minority population and that's wrong," Rodocker said.

"We had 20 students that moved into the community that should have been enrolled in West Liberty schools for the 2003-04 school year and immediately enrolled out. It's just proof to me it's white flight."

Rodocker insists there is no valid basis for leaving. "Are our test scores lower than other districts? Not at all," she said. "I'll match our scores up to anybody's. So if I was a white parent, there would be no rationale to say my child isn't going to get a good education."

Posted by P6 at January 18, 2004 03:55 PM
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I'm glad that people don't have to satisfy the sensibilities of a public servant before they opt-out of a service.

Posted by Phelps at January 19, 2004 02:05 PM 
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