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February 06, 2004
National Geographic News Stories About Black History and Culture 

Excerpts and photos from Jubilee: The Emergence of African-American Culture, essays by leading voices in African-American history and literature:

Part One: Celebrating African-American Culture
Part Two: How Slavery Helped Build a World Economy
Part Three: Understanding Slavery in Terms of Black and White
Part Four: America's Cultural Roots Traced to Enslaved African Ancestors
Part Five: The Emancipation Proclamation: An Act of Justice
Jubilee Photo Gallery

News Features
Martin Luther King Jr.'s Civil Rights Dream at 40
United States Marks 75th Year of Black History Celebration [P6: this article is three years old]
Reexamining U.S. Slaves' Role in Their Emancipation
Black Soldiers in WW II: Fighting Enemies at Home and Abroad
Civil Rights Era Captured in Black and White
Charles Houston, "The Man Who Killed Jim Crow"
"Black Livingstone" Blazed Trail in Dark Congo of 1800s
Profile: African-American North Pole Explorer Matthew Henson
Tale of the Tape: Saving Historic U.S. Sounds
New Film Hart's War Highlights World War II Bigotry
Q&A: Actor Danny Glover on Africa Activism

African History, Culture, Heritage
Glories of African Royalty Celebrated in Photography
A Day in the Life of Africa-Photos From the Book
African Warrior Shares Humor, Lessons In Book for Kids
Voodoo a Legitimate Religion, Anthropologist Says
Voodoo Blood Rite: Reporter on African Ritual
Unique Dogon Culture Survives in West Africa
Dogon Photo Gallery
Gene Study Traces Cattle Herding in Africa
Timbuktu Photo Gallery by Chris Rainier
Kayaking to Timbuktu, Writer Sees Slave Trade, More
The Queen of Sheba: More Than a Myth?
Rare Nubian King Statues Uncovered in Sudan
Reclaiming the Ancient Manuscripts of Timbuktu
Africa Fights To Reclaim Lost Art, Artifacts
Africa's Imperiled Rock Art Documented Before it Disappears
Ancient Spirits Incarnated in Rare U.S. Exhibition of African Ritual Art
Smithsonian Salutes Contemporary African Art

Posted by P6 at February 6, 2004 08:12 AM
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