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February 06, 2004
Too bad I'm not a student 


POS334-L is a discussion list constructed for the Race, Ethnicity and Social Inequality seminar (formerly numbered POS302) held each spring semester at Illinois State University. Subscription to the list is open to all faculty and students at any University or College. The discussion on the list consists of book reviews and commentaries on book reviews submitted by the subscribers. The purposes of the list are to provide an audience for the work of the students in the seminar, to provide the seminar with an external source of opinion and insight on the readings under discussion, and to provide all subscribers with an public forum for the discussion of contemporary books on race, ethnicity, and social inequality. The list is hosted by the Matrix center at Michigan State University.

Graduate and Undergraduate students are especially encouraged to submit book reviews to the list and to participate in the discussions. Faculty are encouraged to use this list with their classes.

The discussion list is open for reviews of books on race and ethnicity at any time, including books that are not on the class schedule.

The POS334-L aims for serious and thoughtful academic discussion, it is not a forum for stating personal opinions. PLEASE REFRAIN FROM SENDING SHORT SPONTANEOUS REACTIONS TO A BOOK OR REVIEW TO THE LIST. Commentaries should be at least 100 words in length and should reflect a reading of the work or other works of the author.

This will be an interesting site to wander about in. looks like a couple of hundred…I don't know, I think I'd call them book reports more than reviews , from 1995 to 2003, with the 2004 syllabus already posted. I think I want to compare the vibe from 1995 to that from 2003. And out of sheer curiosity I'll be reading Bringing the World into the Classroom, which is about the creation and management of the mailing list, and its impact on the course and its students.

It doesn't make it into "Dropping Knowledge," but it could easily germinate the seeds of thought.

Posted by P6 at February 6, 2004 07:23 AM
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