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February 19, 2004
Wanted: a PHP development environment 

I've decided PHP is going to be my server-side language. I've been amused by the contortions Perl programmers can go through to make a really tight implementation of an algorithm, and it's really the best language to use if you're distributing scripts. See, if you design it right you can lift discreet chunks of functionality and recode them one by one in the most obfuscated way possible…and with Perl, that is very obfuscated indeed. But I just don't like working in the language. And Python is just too loose for this old Wirthian developer.

What I want now is a strong PHP IDE. I have two free editors, Dev-PHP and PHPEdit, that are more than decent. And my preferred HTML editor, HTML-Kit, has plug-ins that are of great assistance. For the next few weeks, though, I'll be shaking out a 21 day demo of Komodo, which ironically enough was intended as more of a Perl/Python IDE but has seems to have better support for PHP than the alternatives. For instance, code completion recognizes functions defined in imported files in Komodo whereas PHPEdit and Dev-PHP only deal in functions defined in the currently edited file.

Komodo as a learning tool may be worth the $30 for a personal license. But if anyone knows any other good options, I'd like to hear about them.

Posted by P6 at February 19, 2004 09:43 AM
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Have you looked at Wordpress yet? I think that is one of the things I have on trial right now.

Posted by ej at February 19, 2004 01:25 PM 

Yes, I installed Wordpress to see how MTClient works with it. It works in a least-common-denominator sort of way, but I figure I could tweak it a bit if I chose.

Wordpress is a nice piece of software. I like that the formatting buttons of the editor are available under Mozilla/Gecko. And pretty much everything I've modded MT to do is already there; I am seriously impressed with the ability to make multi-page posts.

I don't know if it's cool enough to make me switch from MT, but I have no problem recommending it to new bloggers. And if the PHP thing is as straightforward as it looks, that, in combination with good forum package, could be reason enough to switch.

I had a LOT of grief with the install, though.

Posted by P6 at February 19, 2004 02:27 PM 
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