In the 04/01/96 edition of Petroleum finance week, then-CEO Cheney blithely dismissed the ethical concerns of doing business with brutal dictators, saying, "The problem is that the good Lord didn't see fit to always put oil and gas resources where there are democratic governments." CBS reports that, while CEO, Cheney created an off-shore subsidiary to avoid U.S. sanctions and "set up shop in Iran." The company now "sells about $40 million a year worth of oil field services to the Iranian Government."
Cheney is interesting to me because he's really a sort of "natural" greed head. I say "natural" in the 19th century sense of someone who is lacking in the customary complement of guile.
Usually the public face of a major firm understands what public expectations of morality are, and massages the PR to propitiate those expectations. Private individuals are usually able to anticipate what others are prepared to hear--it's a skill we usually learn before we can read, and it keeps getting refined.
Cheney lacks this skill; perhaps it atrophied after decades of working with other oil company executives. Some years ago, asked about the 4 deferments he managed to receive from military service, he explained that he "had other priorities besides combat." Elsewhere he's made remarks which seem to mock, or "bait," perennial opponents of the oil industry. Humor in the same vein as, "Farewell, MacLean! I'm off to the Berlin Conference to carve up Africa! Crack the whip over toiling masses, Jim-Bob! Rape and plunder the dusky maidens! *snurk*"
Posted by James R MacLean at February 5, 2004 06:18 PM