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« I'd say justice was done but that would require the case never having been opened | Main | This is what happens when the Hippocratic Oath is taken seriously »

March 20, 2004
How Movable Type 3.0 will authenticate? 

Why should I use TypeKey?

TypeKey helps ensure that people who comment on a site have a verified identity, keeping conversations on track and helping to prevent abusive or offensive content (comment spam) from being posted. Sites that enable TypeKey have better accountability for the content that's being published.

As a TypeKey user, you get your own free TypeKey Profile Page, displaying only the information you choose to share. Those who are interested in finding out more about the person behind the comments on a site can visit the identity page to see what information is publicly available. You can even publish a TypeKey Profile Page while remaining completely anonymous.

…Who runs TypeKey? Is it safe?
TypeKey is a service of Six Apart. We're a well-established weblog software company, with hundreds of thousands of users and offices in the U.S. and Japan. We're committed to making sure TypeKey is reliable, safe, and secure, and we've made sure our privacy policy is as protective as you'd expect: We don't want to send junk mail to you any more than you want to receive it.

TypeKey never shares your password information with site owners, and comment information is only retained on the site you've commented on, not on the TypeKey service. TypeKey is a service for authentication and, in the case of comment registration, we leave it up to the weblog owners to decide who can post to their own weblogs.

Posted by P6 at March 20, 2004 09:38 AM
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I read that. Seems a little interesting, but not enough for me to want to wait enthusiastically for it.

Posted by ej at March 20, 2004 02:49 PM 

Apparently there's quite a firestorm of debate on some of the tech blogs. There's been a bit at the MT forums but not a huge amount yet. I don't know enough about it to make a judgment on it. Not that that seems to be stopping anyone else :p

Posted by Al-Muhajabah at March 22, 2004 01:51 AM 

Goven my absolute lack of knowledge about what they're doing, the one objection that seems supportable is it will as hard for them to maintain as Passport was for Microsoft.

Some folks oppose centralized authentication on a philosophical basis, though.

Posted by P6 at March 22, 2004 04:02 AM 

That seems to be what a lot of the fuss and furore is over. In order to give some people what they want, Six Apart ends up ticking off some other people. They've grown to a point where they'll never be able to please everybody with anything they do.

Posted by Al-Muhajabah at March 22, 2004 06:36 PM 

TypeKey FAQ is up. I also enjoyed this summary of the blogospheric discussion of TypeKey.

I haven't decided yet what level of comment registration I'll use but it sounds like there will be plenty of options some of which I will want to use.

Posted by Al-Muhajabah at March 23, 2004 04:15 PM 

Typekey doesn't sound too bad. And the comment management improvements sound excellent.

Posted by P6 at March 23, 2004 05:04 PM 
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