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March 22, 2004
You've got mail! 

A response to Unfair, by Juliette at Baldilocks:

(Your comments aren't working.) Glad to see you back in the comment mode rather than just posting articles. I would take your "outside their specific domain" comment personally, but since I know that--along with my rants--I've submitted posts using valid premises and cogent reasoning, I just can't. (Now whether you, using the same tools, would come to different conclusions is a separate issue.)

Should I chalk this oversight on your part up to your polemicist and rhetorical tendencies? Don't know, since I don't you and have rarely visited your site (not because of what you saw, but because you've rarely had anything to say of your own lately).

Traditionally, most of the action around here takes place is the comments. The articles are both starting points for discussion and opportunities for me to goad folks a bit with the titles I choose. We get intense over economics sometimes, Libertarian vs Progressive vs Conservative some times, and things ebb and flow as all things do. It would be easy for you to miss. I should probably add a few threads to the "Best of" box. There were several very interesting discussions on pharmaceutical pricing.

I do know that you and Walter are operating from a set of assumptions and that I'm operating from another. Please be so kind as to remember and respect that before you attempt to belittle my opinion and my way of expressing it.

Sorry you're troubled.

Speaking for myself, I'm operating from observations. I don't believe you are. I believe "set of assumptions" is a very accurate description of your starting point, as far as politics go. And for absolute clarity, I don't belittle your way of expressing yourself at all. You're quite good. I think very, very little of the particular opinion you've expressed in the post Walter commented on, though.

And I post what I post.

You as a person have my respect, and you (as well as the entire Black Republican cohort- see the comments again!) always will. But there are certain opinions you express that I will never respect. And as you may recall from our first discussion I never say anything I'll need to back away from later.

Posted by P6 at March 22, 2004 08:48 PM
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I got a similar email from Juliette. Funny, after a couple of email and comments correspondences, she has yet to explain to me what my assumption were about her opinion of Clarke's claims. Like yourself, my comments on her post were based on observation. Observation of her post in specific and her blog in general. Not once has she refuted my take on her post. All I get is stop "ASSuming".

Funny that she feels ridiculed since she seems to revel in it when it comes to those who she perceives as Democrats or liberals. Hey, its her blog and she has a right to do what she wants on it, but I fail to see how one can dish it out but refuse to take it.

Posted by walter at March 23, 2004 03:27 AM 

Well, I'm not trying to reason someone out of a position they weren't reasoned into. I figure I have as much chance of getting her to consider an anti-Republican thought as she has of getting me to consider an anti-Black thought.

Posted by P6 at March 23, 2004 05:41 AM 

Though I kept your missive in my old MSN account, Walter, I don't have access to it anymore, so that's what the problem was.

Point out to me posts in which I have ridiculed Democrats. I *have* expressed negative opinions of many of them, but ridicule constitutes name-calling, or imputing that others are stupid. I can recall one post in which I did that, and I didn't care for it myself so I stopped doing it.

(P6 just alerted me to this post today. Since I sent this in email, I was expect an answer by the same means. My bad.)

Posted by Juliette at July 18, 2004 04:35 PM 
Point out to me posts in which I have ridiculed Democrats.

Point out to me where I've accused you of such.

Posted by P6 at July 18, 2004 04:56 PM 
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