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April 14, 2004

That's not Jessica Rabbit's measurements. That's the percentage of Black, Latino and White residents of Milwalkee, WI. Which means if they feel there's racism in the electoral process they can do something about it.

Quote of note:

Somehow this election took on a shape and symbolism bigger than one politician versus another. For many in the African-American neighborhoods on the North Side of this city, it was a chance to make history, to spread power, to open up the field of possibilities for black Milwaukeeans. But then Mr. Pratt lost. Suddenly, an election that seemed likely to heal racial divides had created new ones.

Black voters who had begun to anticipate having a new, loud voice in city affairs now felt crushed and resentful in defeat. That perplexed many white voters, whose support for Mr. Pratt dipped after a barrage of reports about his questionable financial dealings. Those white voters said the election had nothing to do with race. But for black voters, it had everything to do with it.

Big Loser in a Polarizing, No-Holds-Barred Election Is Race Relations

Marvin Pratt, who lost his bid to become this city's first elected black mayor last week, sat on his living room couch the other day and reflected on his failure.

Mr. Pratt said he felt let down. Let down by the news media, for what he saw as a last-minute flurry of unfair, negative coverage. Let down by his opponent, Tom Barrett, once a friend, who had splattered him with attack advertisements in the final hours, questioning his competence.

It wasn't that Mr. Pratt and Mr. Barrett, both Democrats, differed much on the issues. But in appealing to voters in this racially divided city, the two men — one black, one white — were about as far apart as they could be. On election day, most black voters picked Mr. Pratt. Most white voters chose Mr. Barrett, who won handily.

Mr. Pratt, who has been acting mayor since January, when Mayor John O. Norquist stepped down early, leaves City Hall next week. Mr. Pratt selected his words carefully, somberly, when asked what the election might say about race relations in Milwaukee.

"I want to say it's getting better," he said. "But it's still very polarizing."

Just then, his wife, Dianne, cut in, with blunter words.

"Racism," she said, "is alive and well in Milwaukee."

Mr. Pratt quickly pointed out that he had never said that. Mrs. Pratt, however, pressed on: "It's alive and well and thriving. I said it's thriving here. This is redneck America — citified. The vote showed it."

Posted by P6 at April 14, 2004 07:32 AM
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