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May 02, 2004
Bush's War on the Middle Class 

Issues In Depth | 4.28.04

Moving Ideas Network, a project of The American Prospect, presents resources on the magazine's Special Report on Bush's War on the Middle Class.

Articles in The American Prospect's Special Report

Ronald Reagan's domestic program was properly understood as a war on the poor. But as this pacakge of articles shows, George W. Bush's is more like a war on the middle class.

American Families at Risk: An Overview
by Richard C. Leone

Middle Class and Broke: Once, the larger society shared the cost of raising and educating the next generation. These days, the responsibilities are falling more to individual families. It's bringing parents to their knees.
by Elizabeth Warren and Amelia Warren Tyagi

Schools of Hard Knocks: Education is the ticket of entry to the middle class. So why has Bush done so little to establish social equity and so much to impede social mobility? Chalk it up to "compassionate conservatism"
by Richard D. Kahlenberg

Don't Mourn, Mobilize: Middle-class voters grasp that Bush is not representing their interests. But they don't act on that perception. They might - but it's up to Bemocrats to motivate them.
by Ruy Teixeira

Losing Ground: Outsourcing jobs, harassing labor unions, repealing safety regulations, undercutting benefits: The Bush administration is clearly winning a great victory in its war on America's workers.
by Jeff Faux

Throwing Away the Rules: In its zeal to kowtow to business, the Bush administration is dismantiling a century of regulations that protect middle-class consumers from financial fraud and health hazards.
by Merrill Goozner

The Great Tax Shift: The president says his cuts are simply a way of "giving people their money back." But the bill will come due one way or another - and lower - and middle-class households will foot it.
by William G. Gale and Peter R. Orszag

Future Retirees at Risk: Bush's "ownership society" would replace existing social-insurance systems with personal savings accounts. His approach threatens to make old age and poverty synonymous again.
by Alicia H. Munnell

Middle Class Reference:

* Denotes a member of Moving Ideas


Posted by P6 at May 2, 2004 09:51 AM
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