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May 14, 2004
Cover The Insured Week 

In the Fight�| 05.07.04

Insuring America

May 10 - 16 is Cover the Uninsured Week, a national campaign to focus attention on the nearly 44 million Americans, 8.5 million of whom are children, who lack health care coverage. Cover the Uninsured Week seeks to encourage discussion and action on the issue of the uninsured nationally and locally, to educate Americans about the growing uninsured crisis and to provide immediate assistance to the uninsured. It also offers an important opportunity to challenge public policy initiatives that have failed millions of Americans.

Lacking health care coverage has serious health consequences. The Kaiser Family Foundation, reports that in 2002, 40 percent of adults that did not have health insurance delayed getting needed care and 28 percent went without necessary care in the past year.

In her testimony to the U.S. House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Health, Diane Rowland, Executive Vice President and Executive Director of the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured reported that the uninsured are primarily low-income working families. Eight in ten of the uninsured come from working families who do not receive health care coverage from their employer and cannot afford to purchase coverage.

The Fight: The Recession and the Uninsured
The significant downturn in the economy coupled with escalating health care costs is pulling more people in to the ranks of the uninsured. In 2002 alone, two million more Americans found themselves lacking health coverage, the largest increase in a single year in over a decade.

The Bush Solution?
In President Bush's fiscal year 2005 budget, he proposed a $1,000 tax credit for individuals and $3,000 tax credit for families to purchase health insurance. Given the rising costs of coverage in the individual health insurance market, many low to moderate income families would still not be able to afford heath care coverage. The Center for Budget and Policy Priorities notes that high health insurance premiums for low and moderate income households, even with a tax credit, compete with other necessities such as rent or mortgage and food.

The Safety Net: Full of Holes
While Medicaid and the State Children's Health Assistance Program (SCHIP) provide quality basic health care for some low-income people, particularly children, seniors, and those with disabilities, 14 million low-income adults do not qualify for public health care insurance. In 36 states, parents with income levels below the poverty line are not eligible for public health insurance. In 42 states, adults without children cannot obtain Medicaid unless they are severely disabled.

Not Just a Problem for the Uninsured
Even those with employer-based health insurance are not immune from health care problems. Rising costs in health care premiums have resulted in employers shifting more of the responsibility to cover health care coverage to employees. As the cost of health care insurance increases, coverage is declining. Over 3 million have lost employer provided health care coverage since the peak of the economic boom in the 1990s.

Medicare Drug Card Falls Short
Recently, the Department of Health and Human Services began offering the Medicare Prescription Drug Discount Card as part of the Medicare reform law that was signed into law in 2003. Instead of the savings promised to seniors, many will find that they are actually not saving or spending more on prescription drugs by using the drug card. Families USA created a chart comparing the prices seniors would pay for drugs using the Medicare discount card, on, through the government of Canada, and through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. In addition, seniors are not allowed to change the discount card they choose but discount card providers can decide to change the drugs they cover and the amount they will cover as often as they like.

These solutions are only band-aids to fix a larger problem of the lack of affordable health insurance in this country. Cover the Uninsured week offers the opportunity for organizations and individuals to stand up for a better plan.

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*Denotes a Moving Ideas member

Posted by P6 at May 14, 2004 09:17 PM
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