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May 28, 2004
If I knew then what I know now 

I wonder how many terminal bloggers, if they had to start over again, would do things the same way?

In the course of my experiments I just set up Wordpad on my intranet and imported all the entries ever published on P6/Blogger, P6/Gray and P6/Green. Some 4000 of them, plus comments. Just the process of doing it made me review how I'd handled entries. P6/Blogger had no categories because it was the free account, and I lost all the Haloscan comments. And P6/Gray was crippled because I couldn't stand waiting for the import of some 2000 posts. I don't know if I broke my installation (a possibility, because it was really an emergency move) or I was just too impatient with the rebuilding process. I kept all the static pages I'd generated, which is why you can google the site and get those old gray guys. But comments are dead there and the built-in search can't reach the pages and it's all just annoying.

The imported posts don't all look so smooth because I'd embedded CSS styles all over the place. And any number of things, like the Public Library section, would be better as multi-paged posts. Of course, with all the text laying about, it wouldn't be easy to find all of the good stuff. If I'd used categories better the first time through it would be easier to restructure.

Fixing all this stuff would invalidate damn near everything Google knows about me. I'm giving it serious consideration, though.

Posted by P6 at May 28, 2004 10:15 PM
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i told you not to use blogger.

Posted by elle.jeezy at May 29, 2004 10:33 PM 

You did?

Posted by P6 at May 29, 2004 11:53 PM 


Posted by elle.jeezy at May 30, 2004 06:50 AM 

That's too much like the kind of response I would give.

Are you me, pretending to be someone else in an attempt to look like more folks read this place than actually do?

Posted by P6 at May 30, 2004 08:53 AM 

i am me, in another identity. as are you.

yes, p6, i gave you a rundown of blog software at the beginning of your blogyssey and you dismissed my observations. and here you are now, writing them up as revelations.

Posted by elle.jeezy at May 30, 2004 10:00 AM 

Assuming I've come the the right conclusion:

It wasn't a dismissal, it was a filing away for comparison with my own observations. After all, I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it and really thought of it as something disposible. P6 started out in my head as something very different than it turned out to be. And that's different than what I have in mind for the future. Add to that the fact that I didn't have the domain and hosting account for a while because it didn't make sense to spend money without knowing why, and Blogger was the only intelligent way to go.

Anyway, these aren't revelation, they're repercussions and a bit of a heads up. I've rearranged the furniture around here several times, but if I do what I have in mind with the archives and references, I'll be breaking a few things. It will be a major improvement if I get it organized in my head correctly first.

Posted by P6 at May 30, 2004 11:47 AM 

So Linda, is that all you wanted to say?

Posted by P6 at June 2, 2004 01:14 PM 
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