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May 12, 2004
Quite the inspiration, these Bushstas are 

Docs Populi
Raging against the Republican machine
May 11th, 2004 9:30 AM

Related Websites for Election Year Documentaries:

Uncovered: The Whole Truth About the Iraq War
The Corporation
Super Size Me
The Yes Men
Go Further
Control Room
Persons of Interest
Howard Zinn: You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train
The Hunting of the President
Bush's Brain - The Book
Bush's Brain - The Film
Tour of Duty

Richard Clark, Jon Stewart, and Air America are about to get some company in the media assault on George W. Bush. From Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 911, an incendiary attack on U.S. foreign policy and the Bush-bin Laden connection (premiering in Cannes this week and, as of press time, blocked for release by Disney), to the Uncovered: The Whole Truth About the Iraq War (opening during the Republican National Convention), politically charged documentaries are showing up in theaters and on television over the next several months. Along with anti-corporate works such as The Corporation, Super Size Me, The Yes Men, and Go Further, an unprecedented surge of activist documentaries is poised to join the election-year debate.

"There seems to be a groundswell of activists who are willing to challenge the information we've been force-fed," says Eamonn Bowles, a New York-based distributor (Magnolia Films) who launches the documentary invasion next week with Jehane Noujaim's Control Room, an inquiry into the media coverage of the current Iraq war as related by Al Jazeera journalists. "Not too long ago, it seemed obvious to me that Bush would get re-elected easily," continues Bowles, "but there really has been this incredible mobilization of the dissatisfied exercising their voice."

Posted by P6 at May 12, 2004 07:07 AM
Trackback URL:

Website for Bush's Brain, the film, is

Posted by Michael Shoob at May 18, 2004 03:22 AM 

Acknowledged and corrected.

Posted by P6 at May 18, 2004 06:44 AM 

Here's some useful info about the anti-Fahrenheit 9/11 campaign group 'Move America Forward' (MAF). The one that's been pressurising movie theaters not to show the film. Turns out, it's nothing more than a front for a GOP-linked public relations firm, Russo Marsh and Rogers. Yet for some inexplicable reason, the fact that RM+R set up MAF is not mentioned anywhere on the MAF website! I can't imagine why...

Furthermore, this firm made a couple of million dollars from GOP politicians in 2001/2002. What a surprise.

See The truth about Move America Forward
plus the wackos at Russo Marsh and Rogers who are behind the Move America Forward fake campaign.
plus More useful info about Move America Forward

Posted by Move America Forward watch at June 20, 2004 08:44 PM 
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