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May 20, 2004
Tank you very much 

Quote of note:

The Israeli army said it did not fire deliberately at the procession but that tank fire aimed at driving back the protesters may have caused casualties. It said gunmen were among the crowd. "We regret very much any loss of civilian life as a result of operations of self defence that we have to take," Israeli Senior Advisor Raanan Gissin told Reuters. "We are conducting a very thorough investigation almost like a police investigation".

Tank fire aimed at driving the crowd back.

And it "may have" caused casualties.

You know what? I'm linking to some five minutes of raw footage on this from Reuters. No commentary from reporters or editors. The player has a button to switch to a low bandwidth version.

Israeli Missile Hits Rafah March

Israeli tanks and helicopters fired on protesters in a refugee camp on Wednesday (May 19), killing 10 Palestinians and raising a two-day death toll to 33 in Israel's bloodiest Gaza raid in years, witnesses said.

Medics said about 50 people were wounded at the besieged Rafah camp in southern Gaza and that the casualties included many children and teenagers. The firing sent a marching crowd fleeing in terror, some dragging bloodied comrades and others carrying wounded children in their arms.

…"An Israeli armoured vehicle fired a shell and many were wounded and then the helicopters in the sky overhead fired a missile at the protesters and then immediately afterwards two shells were fired and we were shocked at this massacre," another resident of Rafah said.

Posted by P6 at May 20, 2004 06:36 AM
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And, of course, you have nothing to say when Palestinians kill Israeli civilians, and take full credit.

Posted by anon at May 20, 2004 10:44 AM 

I have little to say about the deaths on either side. It's the weaseling about what they're doing that's amazing.

If you fire a missile in a crowd of civilians…skip the crowd part, if you fire a missile at all you know what you're doing.

And if you weasel about it, you yourself at least suspect you're in the wrong.

Posted by P6 at May 20, 2004 10:59 AM 
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