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May 15, 2004
Uh-oh. The Iraqis are in trouble now. 

Bush is vowing again…

Bush Vows to Prevent Further Prison Abuses in Iraq
Sat May 15, 2004 04:03 PM ET

By Steve Holland

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Bush said on Saturday he was determined that Iraqi prison abuses will never happen again, as he took stock of a difficult week in Iraq.

In his weekly radio address, Bush again suggested the abuse scandal was limited to those directly involved at Baghdad's Abu Ghraib prison. He pointed out that charges have been filed against seven soldiers and the first trial is set to begin next week.

"My administration and our military are determined that such abuses never happen again," Bush said. "All Americans know that the actions of a few do not reflect the true character of the United States armed forces."

And you know what happens when Bush makes a vow, right?

What's up with that, anyway

Has anyone else noticed that Mr. Bush never promises anything…he always vows. As in

Bush Condemns Iraq Bombing and Vows U.S. Will Persevere

CRAWFORD, Tex., Aug. 19 - President Bush denounced the bombing in Baghdad today as the work of "enemies of the civilized world," and vowed that the United States would not be deterred from confronting terrorism and bringing stability to Iraq.
Bush vows to crack terrorism
US President George W Bush has used his speech on American Independence Day to warn that the nation was "still at war" with international terrorism.

Speaking at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, President Bush vowed to attack any "terrorist group or outlaw regime" that threatens America.
Bush vows 'force' against Iraqi rebels
By Bill Sammon
President Bush vowed yesterday to use "direct and decisive force" against guerrillas who continue to attack U.S. troops in Iraq and insisted the United States' resolve will not be shaken by the mounting death toll.

Bush vows to finish job in Iraq
U.S. probes Fallujah blast that killed six Iraqis
Tuesday, July 1, 2003 Posted: 11:14 PM EDT (0314 GMT)

(CNN) -- With attacks on American forces mounting in Iraq, President Bush vowed Tuesday that the United States is committed to establishing a democracy in the country, saying "there will be no return to tyranny in Iraq."

Of course, there's a problem with all this vowing.

Bush vows to 'reveal the truth' on Iraqi weapons
Democrats challenge White House on claims

WASHINGTON (CNN) --President Bush, back home after a trip to the Middle East, is facing growing criticism and calls for congressional hearings about his administration's pre-war assertions on the threat posed by Iraq.

Bush vowed Thursday to "reveal the truth" about what he has described as former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction.
Bush vows action after scandals
Bush: Will "vigorously pursue" lawbreakers

President Bush has defended himself against allegations that he was personally involved in business practices that are at the heart of the scandal engulfing corporate America.

At a news conference in the White House, Mr Bush denounced criticism of his role as oil company director before he entered the political arena as "old style politics".

He was speaking after former senior executives of WorldCom refused to testify at a congressional hearing on accounting fraud at the company.

He looked ahead to a speech he is due to make in New York on Tuesday, in which he will give his considered view of what needs to be done to restore investor confidence.

He vowed to "vigorously pursue" executives who broke the law in an effort to restore people's confidence in American business.
Bush vow on Social Security 'symbolic'

By Jonathan Weisman and Richard Benedetto, USA TODAY

WASHINGTON — The White House is backing away from its pledge to protect every cent of Social Security reserves in the face of a report today that the government is tapping Social Security taxes for other programs.

The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office will show that the government has to use $9 billion of Social Security reserves to cover the fiscal year ending Sept. 30. The White House estimated last week that the government will run a $1 billion surplus outside Social Security.
Bush, Karzai vow to rebuild Afghanistan

WASHINGTON (CNN) --President George W. Bush and Afghan interim leader Hamid Karzai reaffirmed Monday their commitment to work together to rebuild Afghanistan.

During a news conference at the White House Rose Garden, Bush called Karzai a "determined leader" whose government reflects the hopes of all Afghans for a new and better future.

"The United States is committed to building a lasting partnership with Afghanistan," Bush said. "We will help the new Afghan government provide the security that is the foundation of peace."

Posted by P6 at May 15, 2004 05:32 PM
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