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« Ah, George, we hardly knew ye | Main | For all you folks that are so annoyed about MT3's licence »

June 03, 2004
Development activity 

I don't have to be political ALL the time.

I'm soooo close to version 1.60 of MTClient I can taste it. I have a beta tester who has grief with cut-and-paste from Outlook Express, and he's been SO damn useful I'd have to solve it even if he were the only Outlook Express user in the country (not the case, worse luck...).

Meanwhile, y'all know I've been testing lightweight CMSes to see which provides the best interface to The Public Library. Maturity, capability and price concerns means I've been looking at Movable Type, Wordpress and ExpressionEngine. This is pretty much where I'm at as regards this specific project:

Movable Type
  1. I'm VERY familiar with the system
  2. With plugins I can get the UI for the site that I'm looking for
  3. System documentation out the wazoo
  1. Perl - This is only a problem because I don't do Perl.
  2. Assuming success, I may have to buy a commercial license
  1. The administrative UI is easy to use
  2. Most of the functionality I need is in there already. In particular the multi-page posts work really well
  1. No local documentation. I really don't like the tendency nowadays to keep all the documentation online.
  1. Easily the most powerful of the set. Almost seems like waste when folks use it just for blogging.
  2. The first plug-in system I've seen where immediately on reading the docs I said, "Hey, I can do that!"
  1. Single post pagination doesn't let you specify where the page breaks fall
  2. Archive listing pagination doesn't work for date-based archive
  3. Remote posting capability limited to moblogging/email posting

This isn't a thorough review, of course. It's strictly related to the capabilities that will make my project possible or impact the ease of carrying it out.

Posted by P6 at June 3, 2004 01:25 PM
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I think I spent far too much time trying to figure out what I want to do with all of this. So I stayed with MT. Now if only MTClient could work with it...

Posted by ej at June 3, 2004 07:26 PM 

I have a specific non-blog project. If it were just my site here, I'd stay with MT 2.661.

Meanwhile, look for email about that last sentance.

Posted by P6 at June 3, 2004 09:08 PM 
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