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« That doesn't mean they'll have any input in operations the US military chooses to undertake alone | Main | A total misunderstanding of what nigritude ultramarine means »

June 06, 2004
Nigritude for Vernon Robinson 

The Black Jesse Helms.

Check his radio campaign ads. Kos posted about it yesterday and has a direct link, but I think you should go to his web site and check out The Twilight Zone ad. Because when you hear it you won't be able to believe it's not a satire by the opposition otherwise.

Posted by The Ultramarine at June 6, 2004 08:21 PM
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The asshole won the Republican nomination.. which hopefully bodes well for the dem running against him in Nov. He is a lunatic

Posted by NC DEM at July 21, 2004 12:47 AM 

I wonder if now is a good time to stop my self-censorship of public criticism of other Black folks?

Posted by P6 at July 21, 2004 06:51 AM 

True, Robinson's presentation style is offensive to some. He is not terribly tactful. True, he is catering to potential supporters of people of his political ilk, i.e. white people. However, it is also true that lax immigration laws enabled 9/11 hijackers to live freely in the U.S., our social system enables a 71% illegitimacy rate in the African-American community, pork barrel spending in state and federal legislative houses is out of control, gay marriage opens the door to legalizing all other kinds of "unions" and Vernon Robinson opposes all of these things among others... and is trying to do something about them. I believe in civility, but I held my nose and voted for him over Virginia Foxx. Working in government, I know that most politicians are on the "fake" side anyway. I don't care what party they represent. If they are not "fake," then they won't be there long. My opinion.

Posted by Monte at August 13, 2004 04:22 PM 

Man, I could write several posts on the issues you've raised.

Come to think of it, I probably have. Even I can't keep track of everything on this site.

For now, Im saying I can't imagine anyone worse than Robinson after listening to that ad. Because it seems to me that what he's trying to do about is is raise irrational hostility.

And that 71% illegitimacy rate is nonsense. We've been over that many times.

Posted by P6 at August 13, 2004 05:53 PM 
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