Kobe Case: He should go to jail---not for ripping old girl’s Virginia with his whacker on the downstroke (it happens to the best of us, Kobe) but for being too stupid just to call a hooker.
It turns out he knows the Joe Boxer dancing dude. There's a teaser on an upcoming Africana article on the other side of the link.
Jimi I must say that people like you hate the truth for what it really is.
People like you make good preachers,always wattering down the truth
Thank god that martin luther king did not speak with weak words that people like you would like to hear.
You could actually kill our race (Black) with your hurt feelings. The truth hurts. Now get over it and move on and look at yourself,,you're on TV pounding another black man.CRAB
Mr Cosby Just The minister Farrakan you said the PLAIN TRUTH.We as a race need this Please keep it up. And please remember that People who speak the plain truth are always CRITISIZED which means that you are doing a good job. And be careful that people like you whoi speaks the truth are always hated and more than likely your own kind will turn on you.Just take a look at the bible and history May GOD Bless YOU Mr.Cosby
Posted by Bruce Jefferson at July 3, 2004 04:16 AMInteresting.
On the one hand, I have no beef with either comment, really. On the other hand, I didn't see Mr. Izrael pounding anyone.
Posted by P6 at July 3, 2004 04:52 AM