A thought. Because I know anyone who wants to vote for Nader is taking a principled position. I do respect principle, but after this I'm sure there's better ways of supporting them.
I'm not implying I think his run is a bad idea because of that article. It's more that I hope people see the Usenet quality to his explanations.
Now, I understand y'all do not want to reward the Democratic party with a vote. I hope you don't want to reward Nader's obvious mendacity. And you may feel Nader is himself unconnected with the Conservative financial shenanigans underpinning his campaign (and I hope you gave Sharpton the same slack…I didn't, but given my position on Nader I shouldn't have), but if he receives anything more than a humiliation it will encourage that sort of interferance in the future.
So I suggest the principled progressive response would be to write in your own name.
But I don't know if touch-screen voting machines handle write-in candidates.
As I've been saying all along, I'll most likely be voting for Kerry, but damn the Democratic party makes it hard sometimes...
Posted by Al-Muhajabah at July 19, 2004 07:45 AMI know.
Posted by P6 at July 19, 2004 10:06 AMThat makes three of us.
Posted by George at July 19, 2004 08:47 PM