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July 15, 2004
I love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning 

Not to mention more proof that Log Cabin Republicans is a synonym for stupid.

The Log Cabin Republicans have condemned the outing campaign. "The fact that there were members of our community who instead of working to defeat the constitutional amendment were instead working to destroy the personal lives of individual congressional staffers played right into the hands of the evangelical right," said Chris Barron, Log Cabin's political director. "Jerry Falwell and company couldn't have asked for a better gift than a community divided against itself in the weeks leading up to the critical vote."

You don't want a community divided against itself?


Trust me, that will go a LONG way toward uniting your crew.

via Steve Gilliard
The outing of Congress
Republicans hoped the federal marriage amendment would electrify their conservative base, but two gay activists countered by spreading fear and loathing on Capitol Hill.

By Mary Jacoby

July 15, 2004 | Michael Rogers, a Washington political activist, decided several weeks ago to launch an Internet campaign to publicize the sexual orientation of gay and lesbian members of Congress and their staffs, if they favored the federal marriage amendment. Drawing on a network of informants, he began posting on his Web site the names of gay congressional staffers who work for anti-gay members of Congress. "It's about exposing hypocrisy," Rogers told Salon, adding that he was prepared for some nasty hand-to-hand political combat.

On Wednesday, however, Rogers watched with amusement as the Senate rejected further action on the proposed constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage by a vote of 50 to 48. Instead of staging a clear-cut drama to rally the GOP's conservative base, as White House political strategist Karl Rove had planned, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist stumbled as he tried and failed to bring the controversial measure to a vote. Moderate Republicans made it clear that on a direct up-or-down vote, they would not help their leadership reach even close to the 67 votes needed to pass an amendment to the Constitution. To avoid a resounding and embarrassing defeat, Republicans wound up filibustering their own top-priority proposal, throwing up a procedural hurdle to a recorded vote on the amendment itself in a desperate attempt by the Senate GOP leadership and the White House to save face.

…For these driven political reasons, Rogers said, he will not be dropping what's become known around Washington as his "outing" campaign (although Rogers insists he is merely highlighting the sexual orientation of congressional aides who are already "out"). Now, Rogers said, he plans to turn his effort against hypocrisy on a new target: married heterosexual members of Congress who rail about the need to protect the institution of marriage while engaging in extramarital affairs.

Posted by P6 at July 15, 2004 10:14 PM
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Well, at least you didn't compare them to "Roaches for RAID" or you'd have Linda Chavez all on your case....

John Leguizamo said "Latins for Republicans, it's like roaches for Raid" and Linda Chavez is calling it an insult to Hispanics everywhere. She is trying to get you to believe that he compared Hispanic Republicans to roaches, when he was clearly saying "it's like someone supporting a group that's out to get them." He could have just as easily said "Latins for Republicans, it's like deer for hunters" or "Latins for Republicans, it's like Kuwaitis for Saddam" so clearly she has no point. It just shows the lengths to which Repulbicans will go to criticize Kerry.

Posted by Mike at July 16, 2004 03:16 AM 

When will they learn false outrage only works when the people you're bullshitting feel legitimately outraged?

Posted by P6 at July 16, 2004 10:06 AM 
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