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July 07, 2004
It's like defoliation out there 

Quote of note:

If there is some good news, it is that the epidemic is stabilising in Africa, Piot said. In East Africa particularly there is a decline in infections among the young, mostly in urban centres.

Moves to Contain AIDS Failing
Sanjay Suri

LONDON, Jul 6 (IPS) - Moves to fight AIDS have been failing overall with five million more infections reported last year, UNAIDS executive director Peter Piot announced Tuesday.

"It is a failure of reaching infected people, and of treating them," Piot said while releasing the UNAIDS annual report. The report was released ahead of the 15th international AIDS conference to be held in Bangkok July 11-16.

Apart from five million new infections, three million died of AIDS related causes last year, Piot said. Both the infections and the deaths were the highest reported for a single year.

"We are now entering the globalisation phase of the epidemic," Piot said. "So far the epidemic has been largely in sub-Saharan Africa. But now one in four new infections is being reported in Asia, and the fastest growing epidemic is in Eastern Europe."

AIDS is also becoming more and more an issue for women, Piot said. In 1981 AIDS was a phenomenon among white middle class gay men. "Now half of all people infected with HIV are women," Piot said. "In Africa it is 60 percent and increasing."

AIDS Catastrophe Set to Hit Asia, Warns U.N.
Marwaan Macan-Markar

BANGKOK, Jul 6 (IPS) - With one in four new HIV cases being reported from Asia, the sprawling continent is on the verge of being felled by an AIDS epidemic that would dwarf the devastation wrought by the killer disease in Africa, experts warned.

''Asia now is facing life and death choices when it comes to the epidemic,'' Kathleen Cravero, deputy executive director of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), said here Tuesday at the launch of a global report on the pandemic.


RIO DE JANEIRO, Jul 6 (IPS) - There are 1.6 million people in Latin America living with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the AIDS epidemic is growing, and although it is under some control, it continues to hit certain countries and certain groups very hard.

Posted by P6 at July 7, 2004 07:53 AM
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