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July 28, 2004
Sully a confused moderate? 
The Demise of Andrew Sullivan is Moving Far Too Slow

…Now maybe I'd been living under a rock, but up until about six months ago, I'd never heard of Andrew Sullivan, author, blogger, conservative, and gay-rights activist extraordinaire. After surfing a few of my favorite conservative weblogs, I came upon links to his site rather often so one day I decided to see what the hubbub was about.

As suspected, the hubbub was about absolutely nothing. It only took me moments to see that Andrew Sullivan was nothing more than the confused moderate's poster-boy for politics, but more specifically, same-sex marriage. Every time I write about this issue, someone always wants to ask me if I've read good old Andy Sullivan. Well I have, and I'm not impressed. I wasn't buying it then, and I'm not buying it now. Thankfully, others are starting to notice the same.

Posted by P6 at July 28, 2004 07:38 PM
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While I'm no fan of Sullivan, why all the hate now? Because of his strong support for marriage equality. First time I read this blog, but it looks like a potential (recent?) member of the Stepford Negroes Club.

Posted by ronn at July 28, 2004 10:32 PM 
Because of his strong support for marriage equality

That's it.

Last time Sully was treated so shabbily, he had suggested the flight suit might be a little over the top.

The boy been a rock-ribbed Conservative even when it was most absurd for ANYONE, much less a gay man, to be so. He'd STILL be fighting the good fight were it not for this one issue.

It's why I find Ambra's disparaging him as a moderate really funny, like laughter-funny. He knew the rule with Conservatives: you're loyal or you're not. The only excuse for not toeing the line is having lost your toes in service of the party. He'd pulled it himself. After he and Instapundit got ripped by their fans for hesitating to swoon over the carrier landing stunt, he had to know this day was coming.

Posted by P6 at July 28, 2004 11:21 PM 

Glad I made you laugh. Say what you will, the very fact that so many Conservatives hate him is rather telling. On top of that. The ones who toot his horn are usually on the more moderate end of the scale. I say "confused" because that's just what it is. Sullivan's whole lifestyle opposes so much of what Conservatism is all about.

Sullivan is like the Gay Alliance at Oral Roberts University.

Downright, hilarious.

Posted by Ambra Nykol at July 29, 2004 06:33 PM 

Ambra, I honestly think it's more telling that so many Conservatives talked him up for so long, KNOWING he is gay ten cut him so brutally.

I think we agree totally, though, on the confusion bit. Sully, and Log Cabinites in general, just found out the difference between selling out and buying in. They thought they were bought in. Oops…

Posted by P6 at July 30, 2004 05:49 AM 

Well this Conservative never talked him up, nor understood why others did either. Then again, Conservatives can often be just as confused as the next.

Posted by Ambra at July 30, 2004 06:26 AM 
Well this Conservative never talked him up

That because you're more Christian than Conservative.

nor understood why others did either.

Sure you do. They did it because he was useful to the cause.

That wasn't actually a mystery to you, was it?

Posted by P6 at July 30, 2004 08:37 AM 
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