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« It's not that I like bad news or anything | Main | Keeping it unreal »

August 02, 2004

Mutiny in the House

After a stretch of bad news for the millions of Americans trying to find decent affordable housing, there are finally signs of progress. First, lawmakers rejected the Bush administration's attempt to shortchange Section 8, the housing subsidy program for the poor. Now, there is a procedural mutiny against Republican leaders in the House who have kept a bill that addresses the housing crisis bottled up in committee - even though it has more than 200 co-sponsors. That could conceivably force the measure to the floor for a debate and vote. [P6: Yesssss!]

The bill as originally introduced would create a national housing trust fund by redirecting a small portion of the profits earned every year by the Federal Housing Administration's mortgage insurance fund. At the moment, those profits can be spent on anything. But given the housing shortage, it makes perfect sense to plow money earned on housing back into the same area. [P6: Yesssss!]

Modeled on similar trust funds that have been successful at the state and local levels, the national fund would be used to build, rehabilitate and preserve 1.5 million affordable apartments. Tired of waiting for a vote, House supporters have filed a discharge petition that, if signed by a majority, could move the bill to the floor. [P6: Yesssss!]

This is the second housing backlash in Congress in recent days. The first incident came last month, when appropriators added more money to Section 8 than the White House wanted. Given the extent of the crisis and the growing complaints from governors and local officials, this issue deserves attention in the fall campaign. The House leadership can expect more resistance as time goes on. [P6: Yesssss!]

Now if we could switch Section 8 from a plan to perpetually pay rent to a plan to foster home ownership…even if it's a condo or co-op…

Posted by P6 at August 2, 2004 06:38 AM
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P6 wrote:

"Now if we could switch Section 8 from a plan to perpetually pay rent to a plan to foster home ownership…even if it's a condo or co-op…"

Amen. That's what the damn program ought to be fostering to begin with - movement to property ownership. Like people will be better off in socialist warehousing projects ?

Earl...a Jack Kemp Republican ;o)

Posted by mark safranski at August 2, 2004 07:27 PM 

You should be so lucky.

Posted by P6 at August 3, 2004 12:59 AM 


The GOP missed a number of opportunities in the last 30 years, notably in 1994, to enact a comprehensive pro-capitalist program to help people at the bottom get on the ladder of opportunity. This doesn't excuse the Democrats who fought positive solutions like enterprise zones tooth and nail out of ideological hostility but many things could have been muscled through over their opposition. ( Democrats viewed enterprise zones as such a threat to the status quo that they felt a need to discredit the concept by confusing it with " empowerment zones " which of course, was something very different. It worked too, the idea is dead)

A Kempian agenda wouldn't have been a panacea for all problems but it would have helped a good number of people move ahead.

Posted by mark safranski at August 3, 2004 10:35 AM 

I once had an active admiration for Kemp. Then he sold out his whole position to run with Dole. And I don't believe it was voluntary.

I'm not going to be a Jack Kemp anything, or any kind of Republican while they are as they are. And I may not live long enough for them to remove the Southern Strategy Stigma Stench.

Posted by P6 at August 3, 2004 12:04 PM 
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