
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

August 04, 2003



The editor at has gotten engaged.

And immediately below that announcement (yes, you must see him brag before getting to the point of this post) is a story about The American Action Market, which is much like the Terrorism Market Poindexter tried to set up, but focusing on a much surer thing than a terrorist attack—American military action.

The American Action Market (AAM) refines this approach by trading futures contracts that deal with the two most important questions facing the world today: (1) What will the U.S. government do next? (2) What is informing the U.S. government's current behavior?

Some of the contracts traded on AAM will be based on objective data and observable events, as on a horse track, e.g.
  • the next White House lie to break into the news
  • the next country the White House will threaten, and when
  • the next foreign leader to move from the CIA payroll to White House "most wanted" list
  • the lifespan of various DARPA projects, such as Total Information Awareness and Babylon
  • the first White House staffer to resign in disgrace, and when
Other AAM contracts will more closely resemble stocks on the market; they will be based on possibilities and scenarios that may or may not be verifiable, but that may be progressively revealed over time (e.g. via journalistic sleuth-work, public statements by concerned politicians, or Congressional hearings):

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/4/2003 04:12:18 PM |

Posted by P6 at August 4, 2003 04:12 PM | Trackback URL:
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