
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

August 20, 2003


Less fun with conservatives

[Eugene Volokh, 3:54 PM]

"The Conservative Case Against Racial Profiling" is an article by Nelson Lund, a George Mason law professor and a real conservative, as opposed to a squish like me. I thought it was a very interesting piece, and I asked him to put it on the Web; it just came up, so I'm pointing people to it. Special bonus: It's only 15 pages long, quite humane as law review articles go.

I like this too, but it's less fun because it's a PDF of scanned pages so I can't disassemble it into text so I can quote some of it for you. I read fast but I type slow (which is why my snarks are so concise).

If you don't want to read the 15 pages, take my word for it, it's good stuff. But you should read it; it's wonderful ammunition against wing-nuts. You can skip the footnotes and just be satisfied they're there, like I did.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/20/2003 08:37:13 PM |

Posted by P6 at August 20, 2003 08:37 PM | Trackback URL:
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