
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

May 01, 2003


The Promethian Position Paper
As Simple as Possible, But No Simpler

J.G. at Silver Rights (who I think highly enough of to allow her to refer to me by first name only) mentioned my asking where the political meridian falls in the blogosphere. Well, it wasn't so much trying to figure out who falls where, since for my purposes the best way to figure that out is to read what people write. My concern is more along the lines of understanding how I would be perceived (assuming I ever am).

The short form is, politically most bloggers will see me as a liberal falling slightly left of Atrios. But I rarely think of myself in those terms. The way I tend to see myself is as this Black guy, see? Looking at the USofA from the perspective I have, I see particular issues from particular angles. Some things loom large to me that probably don't demand the attention of (pulling an A-list name out of a hat) Jeanne D'Arc, though she'd probably take the right position when the topic arises. Way back when the Conservative Culture Wars began, I had a guy tell me his Black neighbor certainly doesn't agree with the "answers" I suggested. I replied that might well be the case, but I'd be willing to bet we agreed on the questions.

This is a major reason I'd align myself with the left. The right isn't considering the issues of importance to the Black folks that need to be drawn into the political process at all. They are considering the issues they think will resolve the problems they see … to the right, "minority issues" means "issues I have with minorities." A large component of the Black community feels the left, or more particularly the Democratic party, deals with us the same way. I've had that thought as well, but the fact is there is significant agreement on the questions between the political left and the Black communuty. At least the questions get some light.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 5/1/2003 11:26:03 AM |

Posted by P6 at May 1, 2003 11:26 AM | Trackback URL:
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