
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

April 28, 2003



I'm actually looking to engage some Black folks in discussion about the way the world is going and the threat the Bush regime represents to us in particular. Tryna make it real for'em. So I drop into a pretty active discussion board that shall remain nameless. I see some threads that give me hope, Bush cutting overtime, some war talk, shit like that. Thinking about registering so I can talk'em up, I check the rules messages and what do I see?

well now that the war is winding down, (unless it starts up with syria) there's gonna be a change of mood in chea.

the war gave the forum a nice boost, but now as shit gets or repetitive i'll merge similar threads together.

i'd like for the forum to take a turn to more sexual shit, more regular current events shit, more family related shit, and asking more questions when it comes to life (and death).

Str8 fukkin ignant.

If this where my people's at, I need to study Portugese and take my ass to Brazil.

Maybe I'm overreacting. It was my first time looking in the forum. And, credit where due, one of the responses to that decree was to point out another moderator was looking for LESS sexual shit. But I am concerned when a discussion moderator says you can have as many threads on "sexual shit" as you want, but all the war discussion gets merged into one. I mean, you can lose your life and job over this political stuff. You'd have to be awfully stupid to have that level of problem over a piece of ass.

Not enough people understand how critical it is to see what is happening, understand and act on it. The people who already understand how serious this is weren't enough to turn the tide in 2000 or 2002. With so few people who actually vote, so many who believe it pointless (a real problem in the Black community) I feel like a more significant move can be made by adding voters than trying to change the mind of existing ones.

This is a lesson I learned when Rudy Giuliani was first elected mayor of NYC. If every Black person who felt it was pointless to vote did so … hell, if one in ten did … Giuliani would have never seen the inside of that office and we'd never have found out about his divorce and alla that crap. Dinkins would have been mad as hell to win, I suspect. But the point is, we have influence on our destiny. It's past time to stop reacting and start acting. Past time to start learning the rules of the Game we've only been able to play for 40 years. Past time to stop acting like we're something alien and apart from this mess we're living in the middle of.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 4/28/2003 12:45:44 AM |

Posted by P6 at April 28, 2003 12:45 AM | Trackback URL:
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