
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

May 09, 2003


Celebrating Mother's Day in their own unique style

This newspaper has an … interesting style.

via African American News&Issues

Mother�s Day 2003
Super sisters engender family values

As popular and, perhaps, prophetic as the Mother�s Day tribute: �The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world,� has become since it was penned by the great 19th-century American writer/poet William Ross Wallace (1819-1881), it no longer adequately addresses the myriad of roles that �Super Sisters� play in the 21st century. Thus, let�s borrow the following lines from author Edith Wharton�s 1897 The House of Mirth: �Ah, lucky girls who grow up in the shelter of a mother�s love - a mother who knows how to contrive opportunities without conceding favors, how to take advantage of propinquity without allowing appetite to be dulled by habit.�

Somehow it seems a more apropos tribute to Spec. Shoshana Johnson, a single mom who spent 22 horrific days as a prisoner in an Iraqi hellhole, insofar as she certainly validates a preponderance of evidence that a mother�s hands do a lot more than rock cradles today. Fact is, mother�s hands are likely to put a woman�s touch on every endeavor pursued by her male counterpart.

… For sure, you�ll learn all about Shoshana when she appears on the Oprah Winfrey show, and there has even been talk of a book, and, perhaps, a movie of her life. Nevertheless, there are many naysayers who have already concluded there is nothing super about Johnson, who just got lucky.

African American News&Issues, Texas� widest-circulated newspaper with a Black perspective, might even be considered to be a wee bit out of order to laud a sister who got knocked up and had to choose between the Army and welfare as being a �Super Sister.� But on Mother�s Day 2003, we would be remiss not to set the record straight when it comes to the all-too-often misconception that young Black women -- having babies out of wedlock -- are responsible for most of America�s problems. Ergo, we would like to share the following national study (funded by a grant from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development), for your edification, and at the same time, salute our Super Sister on Mother�s Day 2003.

Go to the site to read the rest.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 5/9/2003 12:42:26 PM |

Posted by P6 at May 9, 2003 12:42 PM | Trackback URL:
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