
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

May 07, 2003


And now for something totally different

I don't know how much I'll be blogging today. I got things to do, and just not feeling it so far. So I decided to post something I've written before. And yes, the copyright is in my name; anonymity is not crucial to me, I just like the Prometheus thing, is all.

II Genesis 1-6
By Earl Dunovant
Copyright © 2002

1. God created a world of dignity and majesty. A world of great heights and great depths, a world of caressing breezes and storms none can withstand. A strong, gentile, fertile and forgiving world. And God poured life into this world … dancing life, soaring life, changing life, dying life, growing life, life too small and too large to see, until life filled every valley and mountain, every desert and sea.

2. Finally, He created a single spirit, much like himself but smaller. Like Him it Knows. Like Him, it Remembers. Like Him, it Imagines. Like Him, it Creates. And from a lush garden at the heart of His majestic world He drew the materials to make its body. He took the dignity and majesty and bonded them to this new spirit. He took the great heights and the great depths and bonded them to this new spirit. He took the caressing breezes and the storms none can withstand and bonded them to this new spirit. He took the strength, the gentleness, the fertility and bonded them to this new spirit. And God Named this new thing Humanity and set it over His creation.

3. But He was not done yet.

4. For in order that Humanity rule wisely and well, it needs know its subject. So God placed Humanity at the beginning of time, in the garden from which the material for its bodies was drawn. Then slowly, because He knows well the laws He created, He spread Humanity through the space of the world, through the time of the world. The fabric of Humanity was stretched, thinned, almost dissipated into the world as God drew Humanity across the face of the planet.

5. He drew Humanity through time and space to the opposite side of the planet, making sure all the world was touched by Humanity's coming. He drew Humanity through the lowest of lows, lifted it above the highest heights. Local variations in the appearance and deeds appeared, but that didn't surprise God. It was part of His plan.

6. Humanity learned the full range of possible existences in the process of being assembled. And now all stand on the far side of the planet, changed beyond all imagining, poised to remake the one spirit that was placed at the beginning of time.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 5/7/2003 02:12:18 PM |

Posted by P6 at May 7, 2003 02:12 PM | Trackback URL:
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