
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

May 06, 2003


I am SO not awake yet

The news run will have to wait. But I want to do this right now.

Mac Diva mentioned she caught some right-wing flak over her discussion of Winnie Mandela's sentancing. Well, I stumbled across one of these wonderful types in my referrer log. One "Marduk's Babylonian Musings" not only referred in offensive manner to milady but attempts to misrepresent me through the offices of various strawmen he just happens to have laying around the place.

I especially enjoy when people quote the material that refutes their point. In this entry (no, you get no link), Marduk writes:

Great moments in mitigation for murder and kidnapping

The racist fool known as Macaronies once more weighs in on the injustice of Winnie Mandela being convicted and sentenced for fraud:

"A fellow liberal blogger sent me material from several newspapers she believes establishes Ms. Mandela is a common criminal or worse. As is often the case, people of color perceive the situation differently.
Winnie held the movement down while Nelson was being a symbol. She's mad radical, and felt she earned a seat at the table for all her work . . .
What do I think about the allegations of torture and murder of numerous people by Winnie Mandela? The same thing I think of the allegations of rape and murder against Bill Clinton. People's enemies make up lies to discredit them. And, if the enemies are much more powerful than they are, those allegations are likely to stay around, though unsubstantiated, for a long time. The Truth and Reconciliation Council found Ms. Mandela responsible for only one kidnapping and murder by her thuggish bodyguards. The multifarious other claims of brutality on her part occurred during apartheid and likely involved people paid by the South African security forces to denounce Ms. Mandela. In is interesting that no claims of torture and murder have arisen since the end of apartheid."

Oh well then, if you're going to make such a fuss over just one kidnapping and murder, then you're just being completely unreasonable.

Note the sentance he renders in bold. The Reconciliation Council found her guilty of a crime committed by someone else. And Mac's reference to the guards as being "thuggish" does not sound like an endorsement to me.

Now, if you can call Mac Diva a "racist" or a "fool" you have serious issues. But hey, what do I know? I'm not the Marduk the Mighty, slayer of Tiamat, Thunderer and Most High, Bearer of Manifold Titles … and competitor to the God of the Hebrews (go ahead, tell me Marduk is another name for the One True God so i can give you the definition of "hubris").

No, I'm merely Prometheus 6, new wave Titan, bearer of light and wielder of flame.

I may go back one time to dump Marduk's strawman back into the bailing machine. He has, like, zero impact on me so it'll depend on how bored I get today.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 5/6/2003 09:11:02 AM |

Posted by P6 at May 6, 2003 09:11 AM | Trackback URL:
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