
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

May 14, 2003


I'm almost glad Jayson Blair fucked up

CalPundit is still on the Reactionary Right's racial blindness, and I can't decide what pleases me more: CalPundit's kick-off statement:

Affirmative action brings with it a host of problems. Hell, everything about race in America brings with it a whole host of problems. But when guys like Bevan - who's hardly the most doctrinaire conservative around - think we've made so much progress that racism is basically not that big a deal any more, what hope is there of ever finding any middle ground on the issue?

Disagreements about affirmative action programs I can understand. But a refusal to admit that race is even a serious problem any more I can't. What kind of sheltered existence produces such naivete?
or the followup comments by (in order of appearance) Matthew Langer, Atrios, Rook, Brian Schefke, Rob, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, and Matthew Yglesias. I can't guarantee they "get it" but they're making a good run at it. (the links are to the commenters' blogs, not to the comments themselves)

Later: Damn, I can't respond in the thread AND keep up with the posts. Some of them do "get it." Two more good ones popped up behind my back, not to mention a question that's actually fair. But I'm satisfied for now and going to bed.

Later later: Drew Vogel's comments.

I'm really going to bed now.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 5/14/2003 12:08:47 AM |

Posted by P6 at May 14, 2003 12:08 AM | Trackback URL:
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