
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

May 13, 2003


I don't know who Wouter is

… but s/he's right.

Let me start out by saying I am no more in favor of U.S. isolationism than U.S. imperialism. But when, in comments to this post at No War Blog …

Wrong Target

From a press release by the Cato Institute:

Charles V. Peña, director of defense policy studies, made the following comments regarding yesterday's deadly bomb blast in Saudi Arabia:

"Monday night's terrorist attack in Riyadh, which Secretary of State Colin Powell said "had all the earmarks" of an al Qaeda operation, is a sober reminder that the war against Iraq was a wrong target in the war on terrorism, despite the administration's claims that Iraq is part and parcel of the war on terrorism.

Wouter says this …

In all honesty, many of you just don't get it do you.

It is not Japan or Germany, France or even Russia who control IMF, world bank and expedtion armies on foreign soil threatening everybody and insulting everyone.

Something is very clear to these locals that isn't to the general public in the US.

IT IS YOU that they're after, not the free world, not your riches, your christian faith or even your 2 party "democracy" system. It is the influence that the US has outside the US.

Sever that influence and you have a real shot at controlling your destiny. Without the US the Isreal problem WILL be solved in no time. Without the US support, dictorships will falter in short periods. Without US influence Cuba can develop normally and reformers can get a hold in Cuba. Same for Iran and several other countries. Without a monopolistic US the weak nations have a better negociation position in trade agreements.

Simply put it is of interest to a whole lot of people to shaft the US properly. Let call it "the coalition of opportunity"

And with each new development initiated by your Bush neocons this coalitions is cementing.

… s/he's right in the same way a physicist is when describing the laws of nature. It's then up to an engineer to decide what to do with the information.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 5/13/2003 10:54:59 PM |

Posted by P6 at May 13, 2003 10:54 PM | Trackback URL:
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