
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

May 23, 2003



I get a big kick out of my server stats. You can see so much and at the same time it's so non-specific.

I've decided I'm pleased with the response I'm getting. At two months old I average 35 hits per day, which ain't bad given I do little self-promotion outside commenting as I wander the blogosphere. Not to mention that my major topic is the most controversial one out there. I'm still an amphibian, which is better than I expected, and the folks who've linked to me have been rather complimentary. I haven't seen a "hey, look at what this asshole wrote" yet outside Mighty Marduk. What pleases me most is

- around half of the referrers are "Unknown," which is to say folks have bookmarked the site
- the library section gets good hits as well
- 15-25% of the visitors do multi-page views.
- there's been no drop-off in the number of visitors, though it plateaued a bit at 30 per day.

I feel like the blog is of actual use to a couple of folks.

I tend to visit the pages that refer to mine, which is the ONLY way I found Marduk. And I visit the sites of folks that make interesting comments… one blog I visited because the blogger commented here stunned me when I read there I was one of his favorites. My first response was "How da fuk dat happen?" Second was to note that it's not just the "name brand" bloggers that can do a honest analysis of an issue. And Yvelle, Rent-A-Negro is satire… whether satire should be classified as a joke I leave you to decide. And I found a right-wing site, ZenPundit, in CalPundit's comments (on an affirmative action post, of course) that I found to be less than irrational. His motto:

'' Believe nothing even if I have said it unless it agrees with your reason and common sense '' ~ The Buddha
is something I can relate to, having gone through a long and intense Hindu/Buddhist/Mahayanist/Taoist period at the beginning and end of my philosophical wanderings. I could actually read his stuff, and once I find out if I have to leave the country or the USofA is going to return to (attain?) its senses, I might. And I seem to be getting involved in the Build A Meme Project, which is cool because I think along those lines anyway.

Lots of new mind food. Too many blogs to recount, many that I've visited once or twice because someone referred to them that seeded this thought or that one. Plus the blogroll. They ALWAYS drop knowlege on me, at least once a day.

As I said, I think I'm pleased with this blogging thing.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 5/23/2003 06:23:19 PM |

Posted by P6 at May 23, 2003 06:23 PM | Trackback URL:
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