
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

May 22, 2003


Promethean Position Paper III

There are no permanent friends. There are no permanent enemies. There are only permanent interests. The Republican Southern Strategy has made that party as close to a permanent enemy to me as possible because it is openly, actively hostile to my permanent interests. And worse, not honorable enough to be honest about their position because they know they'd lose a significant fraction of their non-extremist base.

Most registered Republicans are not bad people. Most are simply voting for what they've been led to believe are their interests. Most are being mislead.

There's a pattern to everything… but EVERYTHING makes the pattern. The HUMAN failing is in making patterns from parts and calling it the whole

Republican judicial and economic policy is like stripmining; It extracts resources so that any number of things can be created according to plan. Magnificent structures can be built with the materials so extracted. And what's left behind can even be said to have an austere elegance, a purely geometric beauty.

But nothing can live there.

5% of the population uses over 50% of the wealth to support their lifestyle. And those who set the Republican agenda have told the center they can join them in this luxurious structure they've constructed. Just wait on line, and you'll get in. But how can all of us live that lifestyle, even symbolically, when it eats so much of the world in its construction and maintainance.

We can't.

And somehow the 95% of us that live on the leftovers have been set against each other, as though one or another of us is taking all that space, all that wealth, all those resources.

This must change.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 5/22/2003 10:16:31 PM |

Posted by P6 at May 22, 2003 10:16 PM | Trackback URL:
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