
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

May 21, 2003


Background reading for "Race - The Power of an Illusion"

Genetics, human variation, evolution, scientific classification and more.
Topic Name Description
Ten Things Everyone Should Know about Race A printer-friendly version of our quick facts about race (see the What Is Race section of this Web site).
race, medicine, classification, genetics, social construction - Online Chat with Pilar Ossorio May 1, 2003
PLEASE NOTE: this link will open a new browser window with content from outside the RACE Web site. Close the browser window to return to this site.
TRANSCRIPT OF LIVE CHAT - Legal scholar and microbiologist Pilar Ossorio fields questions from viewers about science, medicine, racial classification, and more.
race and medicine Unlikely Mix: Race, Biology and Drugs OP ED BY TROY DUSTER - Can we create drugs that target different races? Should we? An exploration of some of the pitfalls of a recent study.
race and genetics Race and Gene Studies: What Differences Make a Difference? ESSAY BY LARRY ADELMAN - What, if anything, does genetics tell us about race? How do we make sense of recent genetic discoveries that seem to follow racial lines?
genetics, biology, health, classification, law Interview with Pilar Ossorio, legal scholar and microbiologist EDITED TRANSCRIPT - Covering a wide range of topics biological notions of race, how race is socially real, health consequences of race, drug company research, classification.
genetics, biology, human variation, skin color Interview with Richard Lewontin evolutionary biologist EDITED TRANSCRIPT - how much genetic variation really exists between people? Can genetic research help us unlock human differences?
history of science, 19th century, medicine Interview with Evelynn Hammonds, historian of science EDITED TRANSCRIPT - 19th century race science, race and medicine, how scientists are influenced by their social context, etc.
genetics, biology, athletics Interview with Joseph Graves, Jr., evolutionary biologist EDITED TRANSCRIPT - are certain races athletically superior? How much genetic diversity is there among humans?
anthropology, biology, human variation, genetics, evolution Interview with Alan Goodman, biological anthropologist EDITED TRANSCRIPT - what are our assumptions about biology and race? What's the difference between looking at race as a social idea and a scientific one? What other explanations exist for why we look different?
anthropology, biology, athletics, classification, human variation, genetics, history of science Interview with Jonathan Marks, physical anthropologist EDITED TRANSCRIPT - why doesn't it make sense to classify people into races? How do we sort through all our confusion about genetics, biology and things like athletic ability? Where did our traditional notions of race come from?
evolution, genetics, history of science, biology, anthropology Interview with Stephen Jay Gould, evolutionary biologist EDITED TRANSCRIPT - why did different skin colors evolve? where did the term Caucasian come from? are scientists biased by their beliefs?

posted by Prometheus 6 at 5/21/2003 05:34:03 PM |

Posted by P6 at May 21, 2003 05:34 PM | Trackback URL:
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