
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

May 19, 2003



The title is not a typo. It's the name of a law blog by on Prof. Eric Muller, a liberal lawyer. Interesting site, though my time there was brief, though amusing (see the comments to this post, toward the end. I'm the Earl guy). I suspect the influence of the Federalist Society is making liberal lawyers a rare and endangered species.

Anyway, I found myself on his blog tonight, and cruised around a bit. Found a little while ago Professor Muller asked

Race in classroom assignments: a practice exam question
Each month my daughters' elementary school sends home a newsletter with updates about goings-on at the school and in the school district. This month I noticed a listing of "strategies" that the school is implementing in order to meet the goals of its School Improvement Plan for 2003-2006. One of the strategies is this: "Minority students will be clustered when assigned to classrooms to reduce sense of isolation."

Query: may a public school district not under any sort of desegregation order or decree take race into account in assigning students to classrooms in order to achieve the objective of "reducing a sense of isolation?"

An interesting question. Responses in the comments struck me as pretty representative of the Liberal/Conservative ratio in lawdom.

Two days later, he posted a follow-up describing the program in detail. The comments to that one were pretty typical too.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 5/19/2003 11:15:39 PM |

Posted by P6 at May 19, 2003 11:15 PM | Trackback URL:
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