
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

May 31, 2003


Now if we can keep the Angry White Men calm, we can ALL make progress

The idea of Blacks and Hispanics is going to set some folks' teeth on edge. But it shouldn't, and I'm going to explain why (this is going to sound cynical as hell, which to some degree it is).

The only way to ensure your rights is to ensure Black peoples' rights. Because whatever we get, you can't be denied… otherwise it'll be 1994 all over again;

See, Angry White Men never really lost power in this nation. If they had, they couldn't have changed the social and political trajectory of the nation in a single election cycle.

Think about that.

Look at the Democrats. You got them scared and wimpy as hell. Believe me, you've taught them a lesson they'll not soon forget. Now, how about workiing with us to get a government that will do something for 95% of the people instead of just 5%? Because you know damn well you ain't one of that 5% and if the greedy, selfish, power-hoarding bastards have their way no one but them will ever be.


Blacks, Hispanics Align To Set Agendas for 2004
By Deborah Barfield Berry

May 30, 2003

Washington - Hoping to press Democratic presidential candidates on issues important to communities of color, black and Hispanic lawmakers will sponsor several debates and forums across the country this summer and fall.

"We need to energize our base," said Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus. "We have to be careful as a party that we take care of the people who take care of us."

Democrats were criticized for failing to motivate their traditional supporters for the 2002 midterm elections, which led to Republicans controlling Congress. While Democratic leaders vow to do better for the 2004 presidential bid, black and Hispanic lawmakers say they want to help set the party agenda and press candidates on how they will address issues including universal health care, the economy and the protection of civil rights and affirmative action.

"I have to believe that raising the issues has to at least put you toward your goal," Cummings said.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 5/31/2003 10:00:21 AM |

Posted by P6 at May 31, 2003 10:00 AM | Trackback URL:
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