
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

May 30, 2003


So I'm weird

The other day i just tossed off a one-liner about starting a blog for the purposes of ranting. Cowboy Kahlil asked why I don't just rant here, since I do it well. I told him I have an approach I take in public that just doesn't include that sort of thing.

Seque to yesterday on the bus: For my own reasons I'm revisiting my philosophical and spiritual roots, so I was reading "The Supreme Path of Discipleship: The Precepts of the Gurus," a Mahayan Buddhist text. Two sets of precepts pretty much covers my principles, so I decided to post them here.

The Ten Things to be Avoided
  1. Avoid a teacher whose heart is set on acquiring worldly fame and possessions
  2. Avoid friends and followers who are detrimental to your peace of mind and spiritual growth
  3. Avoid living where there happen to be many people who annoy and distract you
  4. Avoid making a living by means of deceit and theft
  5. Avoid actions that harm your mind and impede your spiritual development
  6. Avoid thoughless acts that lower you in the esteem of others
  7. Avoid useless conduct and actions
  8. Avoid concealing your own faults while speaking loudly of others'
  9. Avoid food and habits that disagree with your health
  10. Avoid attachments that are inspired by avarice

The Ten Things Not to be Avoided
  1. Ideas, being the radience of the mind, are not to be avoided
  2. Thought-forms, being the revelry of reality, are not to be avoided
  3. Obscuring passions, being the means of reminding one of the need to be wise, are not to be avoided
  4. Affluence, being the manure and water for spiritual growth, are not to be avoided
  5. Illness and troubles, being teachers of piety, are not to be avoided
  6. Enemies and misfortune, being the means of inclining one to a releigious career, are not to be avoided
  7. That which comes of itself, being a divine gift, is not to be avoided
  8. Reason, being in every action the best friend, is not to be avoided
  9. Such devotional exercises of body and mind as one is capable of performing are not to be avoided
  10. The thought of helping others, howsoever limited one's ability to help others may be, is not to be avoided

Now, this don't mean I won't bitch-slap ya if I feel it necessary. But I'm trying.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 5/30/2003 03:46:00 PM |

Posted by P6 at May 30, 2003 03:46 PM | Trackback URL:
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