What's a conservative?
An anonymous contributer to African American News&Issues took the question to a whole 'nother place than I did. I think the question should be asked, though. And it would be best asked by the non-extremists in the Republican party.
from African American News&Issues
What�s a Conservative?Republicans fulfill biblical prophecy about �the poor�
African-American News&Issues
It is written in the Holy Bible of America�s Judea-Christian Republic, �� the poor always ye have with you��- John 12:8. Thus, inasmuch as there are an overwhelming consensuses of politically monolithic made in America Africans that vote the straight Democratic ticket (truly believing that an ultra-conservative Republican party is committed to fulfilling Jesus� ambiguous prophecy), which have cause to pause and ponder, �What�s a conservative?� No, that�s not a misstatement, or poor grammar. The academic question is not who�s a conservative, or what�s conservatism? It, indeed, is: �What�s a conservative?�
On the other hand, the query evidentially is proper, insofar as Webster�s Dictionary defines �conservatism,� as �a disposition in politics to preserve what is established.� And further defines a �conservative, � as one �tending or having power to conserve; (loosely) moderately estimated, understated�n one of the political party that desires to preserve the institutions of the country against innovation.� You can�t explain it much better than that, but apparently it confuses, at least one of our estimated 2 million readers (not counting multitudes that access our Web page: www.aframnews.com, who simply fails to grasp the concept of a Black, conservative Republican. For obvious reason, our intellectual watcher on the wall chose to remain anonymous.
posted by Prometheus 6 at 5/30/2003 02:12:32 PM |
Posted by P6 at May 30, 2003 02:12 PM
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