
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

May 29, 2003


The only political post here today

Okay, I'm back. And I just ran down most of my blogroll.

Before I found I couldn't get to the web interface today (and decided to go do some actually real stuff, on the planet, in meat-space) I was pretty annoyed. As as usuall, editorial cartoons expressed my irritation more concisely than the news.

I was going to tell you to check out Tom Toles (of course), Ted Rall (of course), and Ben Sargent (of course). And I was going to rant.

Well, I'm STILL going to rant.

This administration has told more blatant lies than any administration in the history of the WORLD, much less the United (Police) States of America. And anyone who votes for George W. Bush -- or anyone that supported him -- is either a fool or a traitor.

How's that for direct?

Between the lies about Iraq and the subsequent evasions, the absolute cynicism of giving poor families a large tax break for dividends paid on securities they can't afford to buy while taking away the child care credits they need, the hypocrasy of trying to classify documents AFTER they've been released because they're too embarrassing, forgiving corporate fraud (I'm sorry, but fining Worldcom one week's operating revenue and letting them out of bankruptcy cleared of debt and with a spankin' new Iraqi contract is forgiving them), you are simply stupid if you don't think they won't come after YOUR ass when it suits their purposes. And if you aren't one of them, it WILL suit their purposes sooner or later because they are obviously about controlling it all.

Of course, if you ARE one of them, you'ne not a fool. You're a traitor.

And in case some idiot wants to ask, "who is this 'them' you're concerned about?" It's the PNAC crew. The Republican extremists that have the average Republican fooled by hiding behind the name the normal guy uses while squeezing every bit of wealth out ove everyone they can.

What do you want to do… wait until the Fired [sic] Department has to hand you a bill for saving your life?





posted by Prometheus 6 at 5/29/2003 07:05:28 PM |

Posted by P6 at May 29, 2003 07:05 PM | Trackback URL:
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