
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

June 07, 2003


Questions for Mr. Ashcroft

If I was willing to get close enough to his creepy-looking ass to ask:

In what has become Mr. Ashcroft's public mantra, he said: "These successes send a clear message to terrorists here and abroad: We will find you. We will track you down. We will track down all those who support you. We will not rest until justice is brought to all who would plot against America and strike against the freedom we hold so dear."

With such "success," why do you need to bolster your already disturbing power by incrementally assembling The Son of P.A.T.R.I.O.T.? Between the war lies and the civil liberties assaults, it's looking more and more like the current administration "fits the description" better than I did any time the cops were looking for "a black male, 6'2" with facial hair."

Privacy parts

His spokeswoman, Barbara Comstock, said Mr. Ashcroft did not have time to take questions about the report because of his schedule. After the report was released on Monday, Ms. Comstock said, "We make no apologies for finding every legal way possible to protect the American public from further terrorist attacks."

You wouldn't.

What you should be ashamed of is the new laws that made much of your efforts legal. It puts me in mind of a man and woman getting caught in the rain. The woman complains about her hair getting ruined so he tears off her skirt to cover her head.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 6/7/2003 04:41:59 AM |

Posted by P6 at June 7, 2003 04:41 AM | Trackback URL:
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