
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

June 03, 2003


Two from Dave Winer of UserLand

A heads-up from Corante on Blogging

On the NY Times archives:
I got a tour of the NY Times news room today from Martin Nisenholtz the CEO of NY Times Digital, and Michael Oreskes, Assistant Managing Editor for Electronic News. We also concluded our discussion about the Times archive, we found a good compromise, the archive will remain open to people who link from weblogs, but they will keep the toll booth up for others. We have to hammer out a final statement, which I expect to have in a few days
I can't wait to see how THAT works.Some kind of registration system will be needed, obviously. I'd have no problem with it since I''ve been registered since like two days after they first hit the web.

On warblogging
Amazingly, Glenn Reynolds is still covering the war. Seems like an exercise in futility. In its aftermath, of what use were the warbloggers. A lot of punditry, a lot of furor and outrage, quite a few flames, but what did they actually do other than act important. They got no stories, no new data, they didn't balance the press, which reported the war as if the US was a petty Third World dictatorship. They didn't even out the press. Pheh.
From that last line, I'm assuming he's discussing the pro-war side. Stand by for outraged howls and much gnashing of teeth.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 6/3/2003 11:58:55 AM |

Posted by P6 at June 3, 2003 11:58 AM | Trackback URL:
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