
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

June 02, 2003


Random weirdnesseses

A Wager
I just made a bet in the comments to this post over something I'm having a serious problem wrapping my mind around.

Mixed Emotions
The 3rd Annual Nigerian EMail Conference
"Write better emails. Make more moneys."

Yeah, I see the humor. Call it residual sensitivity from when I used to be sensitive. I don't know why; I had no problem when Illiad had Cthulu eat Larry Odogwu's head.

Accidental Information
Notes on the Atrocities had a Literary Week at the end of the last month that I just stumbled into by accident. That's not weird, just the timing of it since I've reached the point of considering some of the issues she raised. The post on The Prose of Blogging and the connected downpage posts I found particularly timely because they describe three blogging styles that I thoroughly recognize and see that I don't quite fit into. I've actually tried a variant of each type.

Comments on comments
Someone asked me to delete a comment left in his name because he didn't leave it. I've done so, but it occurred to me later I should have checked the IP of the comment vs. the IP of the email. The comment is gone, but I still have the email so whenever I see that person's name in a post I'm going to check it against the email. I don't get enough comments that it would be a burden to do so. My commenting service is nice and once I'm fully settled I'll probably go ahead and get the pay service so I can ban by IP and be done with it. I'd also like to change the template so I can hide the IP address in the post and match the visual style of the comment box to the blog page.

The library
Again, not weird (unless you know me well enough to know how weird an apology is for me). No new book added last weekend. This weekend I think I'll go for some fiction. I'm thinking "Our Nig" by Harriet E. Wilson, "Clotelle, or, The Colored Heroine" by William Wells Brown or something by G. K. Chesterton. I'm leaning toward Chesterton because I have a couple of his books.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 6/2/2003 11:43:30 PM |

Posted by P6 at June 2, 2003 11:43 PM | Trackback URL:
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