
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

June 01, 2003


Kofi Annan Asks G8 to Help


Africa's deadly triad

… As you know, many countries - especially the least developed - will be unable to take advantage of trading opportunities unless they also receive direct help in building their capacity and overcoming the numerous obstacles that they face. Many of these countries are in Africa, which makes it all the more appropriate that you are supporting the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) and have invited the five African leaders who initiated it.

In preparing for this year's summit, you have rightly focused on food security, the lack of which is at the heart of Africa's problems. Indeed, this crisis is inextricably linked to two others, by which Africa is especially afflicted: HIV/AIDS, and an emaciated capacity to govern.

Through malnutrition, food shortages make Africans more vulnerable and accelerate the progress of HIV/AIDS - affecting especially women, who now make up 58 per cent of Africans infected with HIV.

And in turn, AIDS weakens African agriculture - again, particularly through its impact on women, who account for eight out of every ten small farmers on the continent, and who traditionally provide the vital coping skills needed in times of food crisis.

By killing the most skilled and productive members of society, AIDS also undermines Africa's ability to develop and mobilize the institutions, skills and policies that it so badly needs to confront both the food crisis and the epidemic itself.

These three crises form a "deadly triad", each feeding on the others. We must make a concerted effort to confront them all at once through an integrated approach. Otherwise we will not succeed in overcoming any of them.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 6/1/2003 12:36:26 PM |

Posted by P6 at June 1, 2003 12:36 PM | Trackback URL:
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