
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

June 01, 2003


In email

I have just come to the close of a discussion in email that would have been dismaying were the people involved not so predictable. It was in connection with this, which a member posted with the entirely apt title "Tyson Needs To Be Placed In Concrete."
Tyson Says He Now 'Really' Wants To Rape Woman
UPDATED: 2:01 p.m. EDT May 29, 2003

While denying once again that he raped Desiree Washington 12 years ago, Mike Tyson said in a television interview that the burden of being labeled a convicted rapist makes him want to do it now. The interview is scheduled to air Thursday night on Fox network's "The Pulse." "I hate her guts," Tyson said. "She put me in that state, where I don't know. I really wish I did now. But now I really do want to rape her."

… Tyson made the comments during a recent interview in Miami Beach with Greta Van Susteren, who was reviewing the circumstances of Tyson's 1992 trial. The former boxing champion was convicted of raping Washington, who was a contestant in the Miss Black America pageant in an Indianapolis hotel room and sentenced to six
years in prison. He served three years of the sentence before being released on parole.

Now, I been on this mailing list for years and I know what to expect from the players. There's always been a more diverse set of opinions on it than any other Black oriented list I know of, and the participants are articulate. However several of the participants think they're intellectual gunslingers. They've taught me there's no proving anything to people who have something to prove. The list is still recovering from a major flame war between a number of them, and in fact I got caught up in it trying to be the voice of reason.

Recursive fisking isn't a sport I choose to participate in anymore so I've taken to simply expressing my opinion when I feel like it and letting people convict themselves out of their own mouth, much as Tyson did. It's actually more effective with intelligent folks. At the end, though, I couldn't take the bullshit anymore.

Note 1: "Phase" refers to me
Note 2: Linda, you know the purple person
That WAS, um what's the word I'm lookingfor...

Phase, it appears to comes down to whether one believes that Mike Tyson ACTUALLY raped that woman, or that he was simply convicted of having raped her (which are two totally different things).

This situations reminds me of a story I read once, where a man had been framed and falsely accused of murdering a woman, and he was convicted and spent time in jail for it. After he completed the sentence, he settled in someplace trying to start his life over again. As luck would have it, he encountered the"supposed-to-be-dead" woman, constructed a ruse to get the woman to a secluded place, and once there he told her that since he had already paid the price for murdering her, he might as well get his money's worth, and he wacked her on the spot.

And, under the circumstances, I'd have to agree with him.

What I said was to wish he had raped her wasa stupid, brutal tacky thing that removes the last hope of his gaining my respect as a human. That's got nothing to do with the trial.
Wish his comments now were just some disconnected Mike-babble. Trouble is that he uttered equally "insensitive" comments regarding rape during his trial. Hmmm. Is there a Mike Tyson Boneheaded Comment Award out there? Or maybe it's just in the water in Indiana. Remember Dan Quail (former Vice President of the United States--and thank God for the Secret Service protecting the this case)? He's from Indiana too. Home of the famous Indiana PotatoE.
Yeah, I know. I read a big chunk of the transcripts and it convinced me that I'd have voted to throw his ass in jail too. It's just not something I choose to go into with any more detail than that.
Sounds like you might have been one of the black jurors where his presumption of innocence would've melted before your very eyes.
I understand your feelings about this. My point, however, is that -- stupid, brutally tackiness aside -- he would never had occasion to make that statement had he never been sent to jail being convicted for having raped someone who he says he did not.

Recognizing the trauma that rape causes, I would say that being unjustly accused and imprisoned for a crime has to be as bad or worse, and I can also say that were I in his situation it is quite possible that I would harbor the exact same sentiment toward someone who caused me such consternation.

And, to paraphrase the poetess, "Ain't I a man"?
Yeah, but one difference between you and him is that you have sense enough to know what to say....and what not to say. The saying "be sure brain is engaged before putting mouthin gear" comes to mind.
Assuming he did not... which we, as outsiders, can be no more sure of than the opposite.

Also, if he wasn't stupid, brutal and tacky enough to make such a statement he may not have put himself in the position to be accused in the first place.

If, if, if.
Phase, I didn't say "if", you did.

That's like having a man in jail, falsely convicted of a crime,and having to kill someone who has threatened his life, and then you turn around and say: "well, if he wouldn't be in jail if he wasn't a criminal anyway ...". It just goes on and on, down the rabbit hole until you get to the Mad Hatter's Tea Party.
Yes, I said if.

You write as though you assume his innocence. I do not.

I am not the legal system.

The words out of his own mouth, during and after the trial show him to be an ignorant brute for whom I have no respect.

I have not said anything similar to "if he weren't a criminal he wouldn't be in jail." I am saying he has demonstrated a level of ignorance, thuggery and brutality that makes giving him any benefit of the doubt beyond that necessary to absorb the words he himself said stupid and/or hypocritical and/or unnecessarily hostile to women and the truth.

You said the other day:

> I understand your feelings about this. My point, however,is that --
> stupid, brutally tackiness aside -- he would never had occasion to make
> that statement had he never been sent to jail being convicted for having
> raped someone who he says he did not.

The thing is, in the case of rape, you CANNOT PUT STUPIDITY,BRUTALITY AND TACKINESS ASIDE because they have bearing on the expectations one can have of the individual under thecircumstances.

Now, don't get ignant and claim I am dismissing the woman's part in making herself vulnerable to this. She was foolish. But for anyone to put the blame exclusively on her is no less than monstrous, and insulting to any mature man. Such a person sees MEN as weak, too weak to resist animal passions, less than the least woman on the planet.

I do not accept that view of men. Men CAN refuse to be brutal.Men CAN respect the choices of others. And I have no respect for any male that holds otherwise.
> > That's like having a man in jail, falsely convicted of a crime, and
> > having to kill someone who has threatened his life, andthen you turn
> > around and say: "well, if he wouldn't be in jail if he wasn't a
> > criminal anyway ...". It just goes on and on, down the rabbit hole
> > until you get to the Mad Hatter's Tea Party.
> Yes, I said if.
> You write as though you assume his innocence. I do not.

I thought that the legal system (at least states that it)requires a presumption of innocence. I could be wrong.

> I am not the legal system.
> The words out of his own mouth, during and after the trial show him to be
> an ignorant brute for whom I have no respect.

But ignorant brutes can be falsely charged, Phase. Go and read the history of the Blackman of America in the South (and North,for that matter). There are newspaper articles that almost verbatim describe the alleged Black "rapists" as "ignorant brutes", etc., etc.

> I have not said anything similar to "if he weren't a criminal he wouldn't
> be in jail." I am saying he has demonstrated a level of ignorance,
> thuggery and brutality that makes giving him any benefit of the doubt
> beyond that necessary to absorb the words he himself said stupid and/or
> hypocritical and/or unnecessarily hostile to women and thetruth.

Then your conclusion is purely emotionally-derived, rather than factually-derived.

> You said the other day:
> > I understand your feelings about this. My point, however, is that --
> > stupid, brutally tackiness aside -- he would never had occasion to make
> > that statement had he never been sent to jail being convicted for having
> > raped someone who he says he did not.
> The thing is, in the case of rape, you CANNOT PUT STUPIDITY, BRUTALITY AND
> TACKINESS ASIDE because they have bearing on the expectations one can have
> of the individual under the circumstances.

It is not a crime, nor an indication of a potential criminal, for one to be stupid, brutal or tacky.

> Now, don't get ignant and claim I am dismissing the woman'spart in making
> herself vulnerable to this. She was foolish. But for anyone to put the
> blame exclusively on her is no less than monstrous, and insulting to any
> mature man. Such a person sees MEN as weak, too weak to resist animal
> passions, less than the least woman on the planet.

Who put the blame exclusively on her? She was not charged with any crime, even though there is evidence of a conspiracy to extort money from Mike Tyson.thing.

Lemme ask you a question, and very seriously -- if I walked around in a maximum security prison shower with pasties on my nipples, and a G-string, and a brunette wig, and I was sexually assaulted, whose fault would you say it was? Be truthful.

> I do not accept that view of men. Men CAN refuse to be brutal. Men CAN
> respect the choices of others. And I have no respect for any male that
> holds otherwise.

Men do things that can range from brutishness to tenderness,depending on the situation. At least I can and do, and, afterall, "ain't I a man?" Men CAN respect the choices of others, and they can ALSO acknowledge the choices of others that put those"others" in situations where the "others" might be compromised.

We are talking about real life here. Not nirvana, Phase.
I've already stated my position. I don't think I was unclear.

If YOU have more to explain, feel free.
I'm through.

I'm not. I changed the way I do this a while back, remember?

If you truly think emotion doesn't come into play in your decisions and judgements as it does with all humans, you are either delusional or brain damaged. If you don't, you are fronting and lying.

Either way it's not ever going to be useful to shift a list conversation with me to private mail. And it can't have been an accident - you've been using email too long, you're too technically knowlegeable for that.

You convict yourself out of your own mouth, just like Mike.

You're a male.

Don't ask me ain't you a man again. You might be surprised by my answer.
> That's like having a man in jail, falsely convicted of a crime, and
> having to kill someone who has threatened his life, and then you turn
> around and say: "well, if he wouldn't be in jail if he wasn't a
> criminal anyway ...". It just goes on and on, down the rabbit hole
> until you get to the Mad Hatter's Tea Party.

At no point have you said he did not rape her. So the correct parallel is "That's like having a man in jail who claims he's innocent..." A whole different case than a man who is ACTUALLY innocent. Just as different, in fact as the case of being guilty and being *found* guilty.

This point is empty until you can say you've examined the case and decided he was not guilty.

> > You write as though you assume his innocence. I do not.
> I thought that the legal system (at least states that it) requires a
> presumption of innocence. I could be wrong.

That "phase" of the case is over. The presumption of innocence does not extend beyond being found guilty.

> > The words out of his own mouth, during and after the trial show him to be
> > an ignorant brute for whom I have no respect.
> But ignorant brutes can be falsely charged, Phase. Go and read the history
> of the Blackman of America in the South (and North, for that matter). There
> are newspaper articles that almost verbatim describe the alleged Black
> "rapists" as "ignorant brutes", etc., etc.

That's not only insulting to me personally, it's insulting to every Black person to equate a convicted rapist's case to our enslaved and oppressed ancestors. You have no respect.

> Then your conclusion is purely emotionally-derived, rather than
> factually-derived.

Your motivation is purely emotionally driven, regardless of your carefully constructed language.

He had the benefit of the doubt from me until I read his statement. HIS statements-yours mean nothing in this case.

I have no reasonable doubt.

> It is not a crime, nor an indication of a potential criminal, for one to be
> stupid, brutal or tacky.

It is, in fact, an indication of potential criminality to be stupid, brutal AND tacky, which he is. I can understand your desire to deny that, though.

> Lemme ask you a question, and very seriously -- if I walked around in a
> maximum security prison shower with pasties on my nipples, and a G-string,
> and a brunette wig, and I was sexually assaulted, whose fault would you say
> it was? Be truthful.

Truthfully, if you are equating Tyson's hotel room to a maximum security prison and Ms. Washington to a prisoner, then she was CLEARLY in a coercive situation and he is guilty of rape. If you are not equating the conditions then this is a pointless aside.

That said, it would be your fault.

> Men do things that can range from brutishness to tenderness, depending on
> the situation. At least I can and do, and, after all, "ain't I a man?"

Well, I assume you got a dick. I'm not making any further judgements based on the statements before me.

> We are talking about real life here. Not nirvana, Phase.

You're talking about your particular view of life. Not real life by any stretch.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 6/1/2003 03:54:01 AM |

Posted by P6 at June 1, 2003 03:54 AM | Trackback URL:
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