
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

June 11, 2003


Phase transition

ZenPundit set up a blogroll and I'm on it. As a member of the VLWC I shouldn't consort. But you know, he writes stuff like this:

So why the hard spin on the interpretation the Bush administration took from the evidence ? It has a great deal to do with internal polling - the Democratic position on national security with the public is ( rightly so) essentially hopeless, not just with the average voter but even with moderate Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents. Here is a recent media poll giving the same results as what Democratic insiders already know.This appears to be a make-or-break issue in the voting booth for swing voters in a narrowly divided electorate and right now Bush has a lock on the issue of national security. The Left does not need to prove this case that Bush allegedly " lied " about Iraqi WMD but they do need to chip away at Bush's lead in this area and create enough of a reasonable doubt in the minds of independents that this issue doesn't loom so large over 2004 swing voters as it does presently. ( This argument will not affect partisans - finding nuclear bomb components in Kirkuk tomorrow won't switch a single hard-core Democrat to the Bush column. No WMD's turning up won't cause conservative types to vote for Al Sharpton) The Democratic Party is about as trusted in their ability to prosecute the War on Terror with vigor as the GOP is trusted to safeguard a woman's right to an abortion.

And in both cases, the voters have good reason for their qualms

I'm going to disagree with ZP but that's okay at this point. Smart people and dumb people can both have the same beliefs, but smart people has one set of options for working their beliefs and dumb people have another. Everywhere I've seen Zenpundit write, and in my own limited interaction with him he's been on the smart side. So he becomes the first of a probably very short list of right-wing entries on my blogroll.

I'll probably have to do something about segregating him from our Good Left-Wing Brethren.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 6/11/2003 12:50:42 PM |

Posted by P6 at June 11, 2003 12:50 PM | Trackback URL:
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