
Prometheus 6   

Do not make the mistake of thinking that because my conclusion is the same as another person's that my reasoning is the same

June 19, 2003


I have to reorganize my blogroll provides a nice free service, but to get the flexibility I need I may have to go back to "roll your own" blogrolls. I have to make sure include files work.

The problem started with ZenPundit, the lonely conservative blogger on my list, but came to a head in connection with the New Weblog Showcase.

See, this is only incidentally a political blog. It's actually a personal blog— I'm just one of those genuinely twisted individuals that thinks about this tuff on a personal level all the time. And though I don't mind flipping the occasional odd topic I'm really not inclined to put up one of those "I have to link to three posts, so…" posts, nor am I planning to review all of them. A post or article somewhere will key a thought and I'll write something that probably had little to do with what was on the author's mind, or I'll integrate the post into my own take on a subject.

But in reading the contest entries, and worse, stuff the entrants link to, I find some amusing, or cool, or annoying stuff. And I've been hooked by the occasional site that's just not what I write about.

For instance Glen of 'Hi, I'm Black" entered a post about a baseball player he thinks is a steroid abuser. Well, I could shiv a gitz about baseball on the whole. Just not feelin' it. I decided to read his site info, though, and I am feelin his approach. So I wander a while in there last night. He outweighs me by about 5-10 pounds and out deadlifts me by close to my body weight, which I don't mind because he's only 22 and so has lots of time to become old and cynical like me. I'd like to watch that happen. I need to blogroll the brother.

And Suburban Blight gave up a fun read that led me to check the rest of her site. Cute stuff, it's like a well-written personal blog. Meanwhile, Cyber :: Ecology's entry is just nuts. I can use nuts once ina while (I already got balls, thank you). I think I need a read-once-a-week blogroll for stuff like that.

As a side note, I would blogroll this is probably bad for me right now, but I'm waiting for her to get her Moveable Type site set up (thought I wasn't watching, didn't you? mua-ha-ha!)

And though I know these two links will count as votes (two votes, actually, since I made the error of trying to re-enter this blog in the ecosystem with its proper name), they're not really, really votes. They're more points of discussion. My actual, topical, votes in the contest are in other posts on this page.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 6/19/2003 10:12:17 AM |

Posted by P6 at June 19, 2003 10:12 AM | Trackback URL:
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