There were apparently a bunch of them last week. I saw one up close, just caught up on another which has nothing to do with anyone I know and so was amusing, and overheard/overread about Marduk's "ad" for Jim Capozzola's "Senate campaign"… I assume the quotes are appropriate. The silly reason my very first link exchange was terminated was in connectyion with the first.
I have said a couple of times that, having no history with either side, I would make no judgements. But I now feel all historical and capable of making a statement.
Fortunately for me, Jim Treacher (who, unfortunately for him, was sucked into both the feuds that I wasn't) made his statement first, and it perfectly sums up my own view… or would, anyway, had I been drawn in as deep as he was. Plus I don't really do "light."
posted by Prometheus 6 at 6/18/2003 12:30:50 PM |
Posted by P6 at June 18, 2003 12:30 PM | Trackback URL: